you can do it什么意思 你可以做到用英文怎么翻译

you can do it什么意思 你可以做到用英文怎么翻译



助动词 表示可能; 表示许可; 表示询问情况

名词 力气; 力量; 威力; **

动词 可以; 应该

1. **;力量;能力

Might is power or strength.

e.g. The might of the army could prove a decisive factor.


2. 全力以赴;竭尽全力

If you do something with all your might, you do it using all your strength and energy.

e.g. She swung the hammer at his head with all her might.



1. (表示接下来的陈述并不令人惊讶)可以,能够(预料)

You use might in expressions such as as you might expect and as you might imagine in order to indicate that the statement you are making is not surprising.

e.g. 'How's Jan?' she asked. — 'Bad. As you might expect.'...


e.g. The drivers, as you might imagine, didn't care much for that.


2. 我可以这么说(表示强调接下来的陈述)

You use might in expressions such as I might add and I might say in order to emphasize a statement that you are making.

e.g. Relatives ring up constantly, not always for the best motives, I might add...


e.g. It didn't come as a great surprise to me, I might say.


3. 我早该知道/我早该猜到(表示对某件令人失望的事情或情况并不吃惊)

You use might in expressions such as I might have known and I might have guessed to indicate that you are not surprised at a disappointing event or fact.

e.g. I might have known I'd find you with some little slut...


e.g. 'I detest clutter, you know.' — 'I didn't know, but I might have guessed.'


4. 可以,不妨(用于委婉提出建议或忠告)

You use might to make a suggestion or to give advice in a very polite way.

e.g. They might be wise to stop advertising on television...


e.g. You might try the gas station down the street...


5. 可不可以,能否(用于礼貌地打断别人、提出问题、做出请求或引出接下来要说的话)

You use might as a polite way of interrupting someone, asking a question, making a request, or introducing what you are going to say next.

e.g. Might I make a suggestion?...


e.g. Might I ask what you're doing here?...



1. I might be the most stupid businessman who will guard the feminine hygiene business to the end.

2. Tang forecast that the banking sector's net profits might grow more than 5 percent this year because of booming loan business.

3. But Yang says he might postpone his graduation to learn more about business management.

4. Others said the carpool practice might harm taxi drivers'business and reduce tax income for the government.

5. A common medication used in type 2 diabetes might have the potential to also act against Alzheimer's disease.

6. He said Sina Corp might look for partners to cover this business sector, providing great opportunities for the statistics companies.

7. China's measures might sound a bit strict, but does it constitute an act of discrimination against foreign citizens?

8. A city of 15 million people might seem crowded enough, but can you imagine more than a million more hustling and bustling?

9. Major stores specialized in soccer gear say this month might seem like the busy Christmas shopping season.

10. But what they might lack in experience they make up for in passion, he said.

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