



  Unit 1 What's your name?

  What's your name (please)?

  My name is Andy / Liu / Dehua.

  I am Andy / Liu / Dehua.

  ---How old are you?

  --- I am 7(Yours old).

  Unit 2 What's this?

  What's this? this →(反) that

  What's that? =>It's a …(当该句用于询问字母时,答句中无“A”,即It's “B”.)

  颜色的用法:① be ~: It's pink. ② ~ n.: It's a pink shirt.


  陈述句 This is a bag. 变疑问句把脖子提到前面去

  Is this a bag? Yes, it is.

  That is a book.

  Is that a book? No, it isn't.

  一般疑问句用yes或no来回答:Yes, it is.或No, it isn't.。答句的最后一个词用问句的第一个词。

  Unit 3 What colour do you like?

  颜色的用法:① be ~: It's pink. ② ~ n.: It's a pink shirt.

  Unit 4 How many ducks are there?

  how many ①(多少),可数名词的数量 ② + 可数名词 (pl.) 复数


  ⑴ 在词尾加s。pen → pens

  ⑵ 以s, x, ch, sh结尾的词加es。 bus → buses ;box → boxes ;watch → watches ; brush → brushes

  ⑶ 以辅音字母加y结尾的词,变y为i,再加es。 (y → ies) baby → babies; boy → boys

  ⑷ 以f, fe结尾的词,变f, fe为v,再加es。 (f →ves) (fe → ves) leaf → leaves; knife → knives

  ⑸ 以辅音加o结尾的词(外来词、缩写词除外)加es。

  negro ['neɡrəu] → negroes hero ['hiərəu] → heroes

  potato → potatoes tomato → tomatoes mango → mangoes


  下列词除外,photo → photos kilo → kilos

  ⑹ 特殊变化:

  ① oo → ee foot → feet tooth → teeth goose → geese

  ② a → e man → men woman → women ['wimin]

  ③ mouse → mice ;louse → lice

  ④ sheep → 不变 ; deer → 不变

  people → +s peoples 民族

  不变 people 人

  fish → 不变或加es fish 或 fishes

  ⑤ child → children ox → oxen

  有 have 某人有某物

  there be 某处有某物

  there is (are) + 存在物 + [存在的地点]

  There is a pen on the desk. 桌子上有笔。

  There are two boys in the classroom. 教室里有两个男孩。

  Unit 5 Have you got any fish?

  ① have [hæv] 有 I have a book. ;

  have got 有 I have got a book.

  ② some [sʌm] 一些 I have got some books. ;any ['eni] 一些 Have you got any books?

  some 用于肯定句;any用于疑问句,否定句。

  Unit 6 Has he got a teddy bear?


  第一人称→我,我们;第二人称→你,你们;第三人称→他,他们 人名和物名(我的书)

  单三主语有:she, he, it, Rose(单独的人名) the book(物名)等。

  如果句子中出现单三形式,have → 变has

  She has a book. 她有一本书。

  例如(e.g.):第一人称 I have got a chair.

  →变问句 --- Have you got a chair? --- Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.

  →变否定句 I haven't got a chair.

  第三人称 She has got a book. 她有一本书。

  →变问句 ---Has she got a book? 她有一本书吗?--- Yes, she has. / No, she hasn't.

  →变否定句 She hasn't got a book.

  Unit 7 Our family


  ⑴ What's your name? My name is… / I'm…

  ⑵ How old are you? I'm…years old.

  ⑶ ---How many pencils are there in the pencil-box. ---There's 1./ There are 2.

  ⑷ What's this? It's a…

  ⑸ How old is your father? He's 36.

  ⑹ What colour is it? It's…

  What colour(s) are they? They are…

  ⑺ How many people are there in your family?

  ⑻ What are these? They're…

  ⑼ Which is the pen? This is the pen.

  ⑽ Have you got a…? Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.

  Has he got a…? Yes, he has. / No, he hasn't.

  ⑾ This is a pen. → (变复数形式) These are some pens.

  Unit 9 What's your favourite fruit?

  favourite [fei'vəreit] adj. 最喜爱的 My favourite food.

  n. 最喜欢的(人或物) My favourite is my mother. 我最喜欢的人是妈妈。

  前面用“某人的”e.g.: your favourite book

  Unit 10 Do you want an orange or a pear?

  too 也 There's an egg, too. (句末)

  also 也 They also love me. (句中 be ~ ~ v.)


  I am a teacher, too. / I am also a teacher. / I also like English.

  ⑷ a, an 一个 a 用在辅音音标开头词前

  an 用在元音音标开头词前

  a pear;a university [ֽju:ni'vɜ:səti] 大学; an apple;an hour [əuə] 小时

  Unit 13 What's for breakfast?

  8. What's for breakfast on…?

  Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三

  Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六 Sunday 星期日

  => ① 首字母大写 ② 无冠词the ③ on ~ 在……④ What day is it today? 今天星期几?

  It's Sunday. 今天星期日

  => ---What's for breakfast on Monday?--- I have burger for breakfast on Monday.

  Unit 14 By bus or by bike?

  7. 特殊疑问句,需要用具体内容来回答。

  结构:以 wh~ 开头(特殊疑问词) + 一般疑问句 + ?


  答题步骤:① 找到划线部分对应的特殊疑问词。(寻找)

  如:My name is Angel. → (what)


  what 什么  (代事物);who 谁   (代人物)

  whose 谁的.  (代人物的);where 哪里 (代地点)

  when 什么时候 (代时间);which 哪一个 (代特征)

  why 为什么 (代原因);how 怎样 (代方式)

  ② 将原句变成一般疑问句。(改变)

  ③ 两者加合(疑问词 + 一般疑问句),去掉划线部分。

  e.g.: I go to school by bus.

  ① how② Do you go to school by bus? ③ How do you go to school?

  The book is on the desk.


  Is the book on the desk?

  Where is the book?

  Unit 15 We love animals.

  love [lʌv] v. 喜爱;like v. 喜欢

  ① ~ + n.(单/复数)

  e.g.: I like / love books.;I like / love the book. ;I love / like Miss Yang.

  ② ~ + doing I like / love playing football.

  to do I love / like to play football.


  Unit 1 What's your name?

  I can see hens on the farm. (A: in B: at C: on)


  farm → farmer ;What's on the farm? → There are many animals.

  Unit 3 Where's the cat?

  表示位置的介词:in, on, under, behind, between(两者之间);next to(挨着……),

  in front of(范围之外的前边);in the front of(范围之内的前边),

  Unit 4 Please have some cake.

  祈使句 特点:① 无主语② 动词原形开头③ 表示了对对方的命令,意愿,请求

  肯定:Stand up. Go out.

  否定:Don't 开头 Don't stand up.

  Unit 5 This is our house.

  How many rooms are there in your house? 你家有多少间房间?

  有: there be 句式翻译成(有)。存在句(某地有某物)

  have = have got (有生命类的东西)(某人有物)

  There is a book on the desk. 桌子上有一本书。

  There are ten girls in the classroom. 教室里有十个女生。

  → there is 单数/不可数(就近原则); There are 复数

  E.g. There are 5 rooms in my house. 我家有五间房间。

  Unit 10 Our beautiful garden.

  our [əuə] 我们的

  Miss Yang is our teacher. Ms.杨是我们的老师。

  同音异形词 hour 小时 an hour 一小时

  冠词:a / an 一个

  the this 特指用the

  the that

  the these

  the those

  an hour 名词前用a / an与开头字母是否发音有关系。

  a university ['ju:nivəsiti] 大学 冠词用a

  Where are you? I'm in the classroom. here, there前无介词

  I'm here. 我在这。 / He is there. 他在那儿。

  look at… 看…… look at him

  主格:发出动作的人 I, you, he, she, we, they, it.

  宾格:承受动作的人 me, you, him, her, us, them, it.

  Unit 13 Can you do it?

  can 能 (情态动词)

  ① + do (原形) : I can read English. 我能读英语。(动词原形)

  ② 变疑问句:(can提前):Can you read English?

  ③ 变否定句:can + not => can't:I can't read English.

  ④ 回答:Yes, I can. / No, I cant.

  Unit 16 What are you doing here?



  be + v.-ing (be + 动词的ing形式)

  e.g.: Rita is singing. Rita正在唱歌。


  do: I go to school at 7:00.

  does: she goes to school at 7:00.


  ① be going to(将要) do(动作原形)

  We are going to play. 我们将要玩。

  ② will do(动作原形)

  We will play. 我们将要玩。

  be going to: 主语做好准备。

  will: 一种“将要”的趋向。

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