打电话常用英语口语 打电话常用英语句型



  接听:Hello/Good morning/...

  自报姓名:(This is) ...speaking.

  问对方姓名:Who's that speaking?

  好久不见的老朋友:Hey,it's you!/Fancy hearing from you!

  寒暄:How are you?

  回答对方问候:nk you./Pretty nks a lot./Not bad./Couldn't be better.

  其它客套话:How is your business?/How are things going on with you?/How is your family?

  转接找别人的电话:Hold on,please./Just a moment.I will switch the line to him./Let me put through to him.

  别人不在:He is not at his desk right noCould you leave a message?/Could you call him later?/Could you please call his mobile?

  Thanks for calling./Nice to have your call./Pleased to talk with you.

  告别:Talk to you later./Take care./Bye bye./See you.

  You are welcome./My pleasure.

  Here are some common phrases to help you speak politely on the telephone in English.使用下面一些表达能让你在接打电话时显得更礼貌。

  Answering the phone 接电话

  Good morning/afternoon/evening, York Enterprises, Elizabeth Jones speaking.(早上/下午/晚上好,XX公司,我是XX)

  I’ll ask him/her to call you as soon as possible. 我会让他尽快打给您的。

  Asking for the caller’s name 询问打电话的人的.名字

  Who’s calling, please? 请问您是哪位?

  Could I take your name, please? 请问您是哪位?

  Introducing yourself 介绍自己

  This is Paul Smith speaking. 我是XX

  Hello, this is Paul Smith from Smith Brothers Ltd. 您好,我是XX公司的XX

  Asking for someone 打电话找某人

  Could I speak to John Martin, please? 我可以找下XX吗?

  I’d like to speak to John Martin, please. 我要找XX

  Could you put me through to John Martin, please? 您能帮我接通XX吗?

  Could I speak to someone who …我要找XX

  Explaining absence 解释某人不在

  I’m afraid Mr Martin isn’t in at the moment. 抱歉XX现在不在。

  I’m sorry, he’s in a meeting at the moment.抱歉,他现在正在开会。

  I’m afraid he’s on another line at the moment. 抱歉,现在他正在另外一条电话线接电话。

  Putting someone on hold 请某人不挂电话等待

  Just a moment, please. 请稍等!

  Could you hold the line, please?您可以稍等下吗?

  Hold the line, please. 不要挂断,请稍等。

  Problems 问题

  I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Could you repeat that, please? 抱歉,我不太明白,您能重复一下吗?

  I’m sorry, I can’t hear you very well. Could you speak up a little, please?抱歉,我听的不是太清楚,您能再大点声音吗?

  I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number. 抱歉您打错电话了。

  I’ve tried to get through several times but it’s always engaged.我试着打了几次,但总是占线。

  Could you spell that, please? 您能拼写下吗?

  Putting someone through (connecting someone) 接通某人

  One moment, please. I’ll see if Mr Jones is available. 稍等,我看下XX是否方便。

  I’ll put you through. 我帮您接通。

  I’ll connect you.我帮您接通。

  I’m connecting you no我正在帮您接通

  Taking a message 留言

  Can I take a message? 我可以帮忙留言吗?

  Would you like to leave a message?你要留言吗?

  Can I give him/her a message? 我能给他/她带个口信吗?

  I’ll tell Mr Jones that you called. 我会告诉XX您打过电话

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