

  名词性从句(Noun clause)是在句子中起名词作用的句子。名词性从句的功能相当于名词词组, 它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语、介词宾语等。下面是小编带来的高考英语名词性从句练习题及答案详解,希望对你有帮助。

   is used to smoking and re's no chance ________ I'm able to talk him into ________.

  ther;giving it up

   whether;giving them up

  t;getting rid of them

  ch;stopping it

  答案 C [由smoking and drinking可知,A、D中的代词错误。B项翻译不通。注:that引导的是一个同位语从句。]

  p in mind ________ you want others to respect you,you must respect others first.(2011·湖北鄂州市高三上学期模底考试)

  t when t if

   when n if

  答案 B [that引导一个宾语从句,宾语从句中又有一个if引导的条件状语从句。]

  nzhen was only a small fishing village compared to ________ it is no

  ch t t re

  答案 C [to后是宾语从句,is后缺表语,故用what。]

  nk about ________ you are good at and ________ you enjoy and build on those abilities.

  t;that t;which

  t;that t;what

  答案 D [think about后跟两个宾语从句,at后缺宾语,第一空需填what,enjoy和build缺宾语,第二空也需填what。所以选D。]

  5.________ seems strange to us is ________ the troublesome boy is getting along well with all his teachers.

  ;that t;how

  ;how t;that

  答案 D [第一空是主语从句,从句缺主语用what,第二空是表语从句,从句的成分完整用that。]

  6.________ words I use can not express my appreciation of your timely help.

  tever .How many

   matter what chever

  答案 A [no matter what一般不引导名词性从句,这是一个主语从句,所以排除C。B、D语义不通,可排除。]

  an beings are different from animals ________ they can use language as a tool to communicate.

   that that

   which which

  答案 A [in that是“在……这一点上”的意思,引导状语从句。]

  8.________ climber gets to the top first will get a ¥5,000 prize.

   matter when chever

   matter which never

  答案 B [A、C项不引导名词性从句,又因为主语从句中缺少主语,故选B。]

  ng with the letter was her promise ________ she would join us in the work.(重庆酉阳一中高三第四次月考)

  ch t t ther

  答案 C [promise后是一个同位语从句,且从句不缺成分故用that。D项翻译不正确。]

  y of the creatures in Rowling's world are not real,and much of ________ happens is strange.

  ch t t

  答案 C [of后的________ happens是一个宾语从句,从句缺主语,故选what。]

  11.________ some teenagers don't realize is ________ difficult life can be after they get addicted to drugs.

  t;how t;how

  t;what t;what a

  答案 A [第一空:主语从句缺宾语用what。第二空:是表语从句,正常语序为:life can be ________ difficult after they get addicted to drugs,就很容易填上副词how了。故选A。]

  y began to think about ________ could be made of these valuable materials.(浙江温州中学高三1月月考)

   use l use

  ter t use

  答案 D [短语make use of(利用)中的use是名词可用形容词what来修饰。how是副词,不可修饰名词。]

  re was a big argument among the children about ________ move to a new house.

   they should t they ought

   should they ther they should

  答案 D [连词that和if都不能直接放在介词之后,可排除A、B、C。]

  14.________ sometimes keeps her awake at night ________ Tom is getting more and more quiet at home.

  t;which ;that

  ther;what t;that

  答案 B [it作形式主语,that引导从句作真正主语,如选D项句子缺谓语。]

  15.—I rang you at about nine,but there was no reply.

  —Oh,that was probably ________ I was seeing the doctor.(天津一中高三上学期第五次月考)

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