



  笔试部分(60分)  Ⅴ、找出每组单词中不同类的一项,将其代号写在括号里。(8分)

  ( )1、A. car B. plane C. crayon

  ( )2、A. rabbit B. red C. bear

  ( )3、A. seven B. milk C. eight

  ( )4、A. hamburger B. hot dog C. balloon


  1、Here you are. Thank you.____________________。

  2、I like hot dogs. _____________________________________。

  3、Can I have some milk?________________________

  4、Happy Birthday to you!____________________________!

  5、How are you? Fine, Thank you.________________________。

  6、How old are you?__________________________________?


  1、What’s your name? A、4.

  2、May I have a look? B、My name’s John.

  3、Nice to meet you. C、You ’re welcome.

  4、Thank you. D、I’m from China.

  5、How many balloons? E、Nice to meet you, too.

  6、Where are you from? F、Sure,Here you are.


  ①three ②one ③four ④nine ⑤seven

  ⑥two ⑦eight ⑧ten ⑨six ⑩five

  ( )→( ) →( )→( )→( )→( )→( )→( )→( )→( )


  ( )1、早上向某人问好,应该说__________

  A、How are you ? B、Good morning ! C、Hello !

  ( )2、怎么样用英文询问对方的姓名___________________

  A、Hello ! B、What’s your name ? C、My name’s Chen Jie .

  ( )3、你想向别人介绍你的朋友John,应该说_________________

  A、Hello! I’m John . B、Hi! John . C、This is John .

  ( )4、与别人道别时,我们应该说______________________

  A、Hello! B、Good morning ! C、See you .

  ( )5、有人对你说What’s your name ?如果你是Li Ming , 应该回答____

  A、I’m Li Ming . B、Hello ! Li Ming . C、This is Li Ming .


  John: I like hot dogs.

  Amy: I like French fries .

  Mom: OK! Here you are . Hot dogs and French fries .

  John,Amy: Thank you .

  Amy: I like bread .

  John: Me too.

  Mom: OK! Have some bread.

  John,Amy: Thank you .Mom.

  Mom: You’re welcome.

  ( )1、Amy likes hot dogs.

  ( )2、John likes bread.

  ( )3、They don’t like French fries.

  ( )4、They have some bread.

  ( )5、Mom likes chicken.


  A D B P Q J H E K F

  b q a d p h j e f k


  1. cake 2. green l 4. kite 5. milk

  6. black 7. bread 8. balloon 9. juice 10. brown








  A. school B. hand C. monkey D. cake E. hamburger

  F. car G. Coke H. kite I. four J. cat


  ( )1. 当一个朋友对你说:“How are you?” 你应说:

  A. Great. B. Fine, thanks. nk you!

  ( )2. 你想看看别人的新玩具,应该说:

  A. May I have a look? B. Do I have a look? e. Here you are.

  ( )3. 你想介绍你的朋友给John认识,你可以说:

  A. Hi, John. B. This is my friend, John. ’s John.

  ( )4. Mike今天生日,你应该对他说:

  A. Happy birthday. B. Are you happy? e a good day!

  ( )5. 你想知道有多少只手指,你应说:

  A. Show me your fingers. B. How many fingers? many foot?

  ( )6. 如何表达不用谢?

  A. No, thank you. B. You're welcome. thanks.

  ( )7. 你想要些鸡肉,你应说:

  A. Can I have some chicken? B.I have chicken. C.I want some rice.

  ( )8.你请对方喝咖啡时,你可以说:

  A. I like coffee. B. Have some coffee. I have some coffee?

  ( )9.你叫别人扮演一只猴子,你应该说:

  A. I like a monkey. B. Act like a monkey, please. C.I have a monkey.

  ( )10.对别人的到访表示欢迎时,你可以说:

  A. Welcome. B. Clap your hands. ’s go.


  ( )lo! A.I’m ten.

  ( ) are you? name is Bill.

  ( )t’s your name? !

  ( )e to meet you. e to meet you,too.

  ( ) old are you? E.I’m fine,thank you.

  ( )t colour is it? F. Thank you.

  ( ) many pencils? ’s green.

  ( )e you are. e,here you are.

  ( ) I have a Coke? .

  ( )10.L ook,I have a rabbit. at!


  ①seven ②six ③three ④one ⑤five ⑥eight

  ( )→( )→( )→( )→( )→( )


  John : I like hot dogs.

  Amy: I like French fries .

  Mom: OK! Here you are . Hot dogs and French fries .

  John,Amy: Thank you !

  Amy: I like bread .

  John: Me too.

  Mom: OK! Have some bread.

  John,Amy: Thank you ,Mom.

  Mom: You’re welcome.

  ( )1、Amy likes hot dogs.

  ( )2、John likes bread .

  ( )3、They don’t like French fries.

  ( )4、They have some bread .

  ( )5、Mom likes chicken .


  ( )A. Have an apple, please.

  ( )B. Thank you!

  ( )C. You are welcome.

  ( )D. No, thanks. Can I have some bananas?

  ( )E. Sure. Here you are.

  英语测试  一、听音标号,请根据录音朗读的顺序,在单词下的括号内用1、2、3、4、5标明朗读顺序号(5分)

  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


  ( ) 1. How old are you? A. My name is Chen Jie.

  ( ) 2. May I have a look? B. Me too!

  ( ) 3. What's your name? C. Sure. Here you are

  ( ) 4. Happy birthday! D. I'm 9.

  ( ) 5. I have a bag. E. Thank you.


  ( ) You're welcome.

  ( ) OK. Here you are.

  ( ) Have some juice!

  ( ) Thank you.

  ( ) No, thanks. I like Coke.


  例:(C) A. three B. four C. tea D. nine

  ( ) 1. A. bread B. milk C. ball D. coffee

  ( ) 2. A. boat B. kite C. plane D. car

  ( ) 3. A. green B. yellow C. purple D. paint

  ( ) 4. A. animal B. dog C. monkey D. bear

  ( ) 5. A. crayon B. sharpener C. pencil D. brown


  ( )1.在过教师节的时候,我们应对老师说: ______

  d morning. are you? py Teachers' Day!

  ( )2.当你把你爸爸介绍给Miss Wu时,你应说: ______

  A. This is Miss Wu. s Wu, this is my dad. is my dad.

  ( )3. 当别人称赞你的衣服漂亮时,你应说:_______

  A. Thank you. B. Not at all. C. You're welcome!

  ( )4.当你见到一位新朋友时,应该说:________

  A. How old are you? B. Goodbye. C. Nice to meet you!

  ( )5. 当问别人岁数时,应该说:________

  A. How are you? B. How old are you? C. Very well, thanks


  Ⅴ、1、C 2、B 3、B 4、C

  Ⅵ、 1、给你。谢谢你。2、我喜欢热狗。




  6、你几岁?Ⅶ、1、B 2、F 3、E 4、C 5、A 6、DⅧ、②→⑥→①→③→⑩→⑨→⑤→⑦→④→⑧Ⅸ、1、B 2、B 3、C 4、C 5、AⅩ、1、F 2、T 3、F 4、T 5、F birthday really great eight pink


  一、单词记忆: 给下列单词写出汉语意思(共15颗 )。

  e( )her( )ter( )at( )

  rteen ( ) many( )awberry( )

  e ( ) i( ) kman( )

  二、寻找朋友:根据问句找出合适的答语并将其序号填在前面的括号内(共15颗 )。

  ( )1. Where are you from? A. The same to you!

  ( ) 2. Who’s that man? B. She’s my sister.

  ( )3. How many buses can you see?C. Thank you!

  ( ) 4. What’s in the box? D. I’m from China.

  ( ) 5. Do you like juice? E. No, I don’t.

  ( ) 6. What about the girl? F. He’s my friend.

  ( ) 7. Can I have an fruits? G.. Sixteen.

  ( ) 8. How are you? H. A gift for you.

  ( ) 9. This is for you! I. Fine, thanks.

  ( )10. Happy Children’s Day! J. Yes,you can.

  三、火眼金睛:读一读,选一选”(共8颗 )。

  Sarah:Good morning,John. John: This is my friend, Mike.

  Sarah: Mike:Nice to meet you, too.

  Sarah:Where are you from? Mike:

  Sarah: Mike:I’m nine.

  Sarah:Goodbye,Mike and John. Mike and John:Goodbye,Sarah.

  e to meet you. old are you?

  d morning,Sarah. D.I’m from Canada.

  四、情景对话:读一读,选一选,判断正误“T””F”(共12颗 )。

  Mike:Excuse me, Sarah.

  Sarah: . Where is my pink crayon? Mom, can you see it?

  Mom:No,in your bag? Sarah: No.

  Mom: Sarah:Yeah, thanks, Mom. Mike, here you are.


  A. No problem. k, it’s here, on the chair. I use your pink crayon?


  e wants to use a yellow crayon.( )

   crayon is in the bag.( )

   crayon is on the chair.( )


  一、单词记忆: 给下列单词写出汉语意思(共15颗 )。

  t( ) her( ) ther( )lly( )

  rteen( )k at( ) ermelon( )

  8. some( ) nge( ) e( )

  二、寻找朋友:根据问句找出合适的答语并将其序号填在前面的括号内(共15颗 )。

  ( )1. Where are you from? A. Thank you!

  ( ) 2. Who’s that girl? B. I am thirteen.

  ( )3. How many kites can you see? ,you can’t.

  ( ) 4. What’s in the desk? same to you!

  ( ) 5. Do you like grapes? E. I’m from China.

  ( ) 6. What about the man? F. A gift.

  ( ) 7. Can I have some eggs? G. He’s my teacher.

  ( ) 8. How old are you? H. Yes,I do.

  ( ) 9. This is for you! I. Only one.

  ( )10. Happy May Day! J. She’s my friend.

  三、火眼金睛:读一读,选一选(共8颗 )。

  Chen Jie: Good afternoon,John. John:

  Chen Jie: Look at my new kite. John:

  Chen Jie: Let’s fly it! John:

  Chen Jie: How many kites can you see? John:

  Chen Jie: That’s right. A. Great!

  d afternoon. C.I can see fourteen. , how beautiful!

  、四、情景对话:读一读,排排序并选择(共12颗 )。

  ( )And this is my mother.

  ( )I’m Toto. I’m 2. I have red eyes and a short tail. I’m from Canada.

  ( )I love my family.

  ( )This is my father.

  ( )Good morning,boys and girls.

  ( )Look! This is my family photo.

  Questions(每小题两颗 )。

  ( ) re is Toto from? ada. rica.

  ( ) old is Toto? . .

  ( )ss! What animal is Toto? key bit.


  (时间20分钟 满分50颗 )

  学校 班级 姓名

  一、单词记忆: 根据提示,找出下列单词(共15颗 )。

  end( )( )ndpa( ) ( )

  lve( )nty( )nks ( ) le( )

  ana( )p( )

  二、寻找朋友:根据问句找出合适的答语并将其序号填在前面的括号内(共15颗 )。

  ( )1. How many chairs can you see? A. I like it very much.

  ( ) 2. What’s in the book? B. No, I don’t.

  ( )3. Where are you from? ven.

  ( ) 4. Who’s that woman? same to you!

  ( ) 5. Do you like lamps? E. Thanks.

  ( ) 6. Happy May Day! F. I’m twelve.

  ( ) 7. This gift is for you! G. America.

  ( ) 8. How are you? H. A ruler.

  ( ) 9. Can I have a pear? I. Sorry, you can’t.

  ( )10. What about bread? J. She’s my new teacher.

  三、火眼金睛:读一读,选一选(共8颗 )。

  Chen Jie: Wu Yifan: Yes,I do. What about you?

  Chen Jie: I like oranges. Mike:

  Sarah: No,thanks. Mike: Certainly. Here you are.

  John: Do you like hamburgers? Amy: I like hot dogs.

   I have a peach? B. No, I don’t.

  C. Do you like grapes? D. Have some Coke, please.

  四、情景对话:读一读,排排序并判断正误“T””F”(共12颗 )。

  ( )1. Look, it’s here, under your book.

  ( )2. Here you are.

  ( )3. Where is my pencil?

  ( )4. Excuse me, Amy. Can I use your pencil?

  ( )5. Thank you.

  ( )6. No problem.

  判断正误“T””F” (每小题两颗 ).

  1. The pencil is under the chair.( )

  2. Amy wants to use the pencil.( )

  3. Amy has a pencil.( )



  一. 听音,选出你所听到的选项。10分

  ( ) 1. cil

  ( ) 2. yon en

  ( ) 3.d d y

  ( ) 4.ck wn e

  ( ) 5.d k e

  ( ) 6.th key da

  ( ) 7. A.I B.L C.J

  ( ) 8.d morning. d afternoon.

  ( ) 9.A.I have a ruler. B.I have a panda.

  ( ) 10.e you are. nk you.

  二. 听音,标序号。10分

  ( ) ( )

  ( ) ( ) ( )

  三. 听音排序。10分

  ( ) Drink some water.

  ( ) You’re welcome.

  ( ) I like it.

  ( ) Can I have some water?

  ( ) Eat some eggs.

  四. 听音选答语。10分

  ( )1.nk you. ’re welcome.

  ( )2.e you are. B.I’d like some fish.

  ( )3.nk some juice. too.

  ( )4.e. B.I’m fine.

  ( )5., Miss White. B.I’m Sarah.


  五. 看图片,按字母表的顺序写出下列字母的大小写。12分

  六. 火眼金睛找不同。10分

  ( )1. r d

  ( )2.da cil

  ( )3.er te low

  ( )4.d d

  ( )5.h e t

  七. 读一读,选择正确答案。15分

  ( )1.---Can I have some juice? ---_________.

  nk you. ,you can’t. e.

  ( ) like_________ elephant.

  A.a B./

  ( )k _________ my dog!


  ( )4.---_____ your name? ---I’m Chen Jie.

  t’s t t’s

  ( )5.“给你”用英语怎么说?

  e you are. e are you. are you?

  ( )6. ---I have a book. ---___________

  lo! too! !

  ( )7.---How old are you? ---___________.

  A.I’m nine. B.I’m Zoom.

  ( )8.别人说:“Happy birthday!”时,你应该说:

  nk you. . bye.

  ( )9.下列字母的小写形式占下两格的是:________

  A.C B.P C.F

  ( )10.与别人道别时,我们应该说:__________

  lo . are you?

  ( )11.我国国旗颜色有: en yellow yellow

  ( )12.当你把你爸爸介绍给Miss Wu时,应该说:

  s is Miss Wu. s Wu, this is my dad.

  ( )13.当别人赞扬你的衣服很漂亮时,你应该说:

  nk you. . ’re welcome

  ( )14.当你向别人提议“我们上学去吧!”时,应该说:

  ’s go to school. come to school.

  ( )15.下列哪种动物是中国的国宝?

  da key


   _________ is yello A. B.

   can drink some _________. A. B.

  3. The______ has long nose. A. B.

   duck has _________ legs. A. B.

  九. 问句答局连连看。5分

  Good afternoon. Mike

  How many pens? Fine.

  How are you? Good afternoon.

  What’s your name? Five.

  Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.


  1. bear 2. tiger 3. panda 4. duck 5. elephant

  6. bag 7. ruler 8. eraser cil 10. book


  一、 默写26个字母,注意大小写  ________________________________________________________________  二、写出下列单词的中文或英文。

  他们________ 红色的________ T恤衫________ 外套________ 短裤________ 大的________ 但是________ 绿色的________ 好的________ look at________ 白色的 ________ 黄色的________ night________ orange ________ black________ colour ________ what ________ balloon________ dress ________ too ________ trousers _______


  ( )1. ________the dress. It’s very nice.

  A. look B. Look at C. look at

  ( )2. I like the blue shirt. I ________the black shirt.

  A. don’t like B. likes. C. doesn’t like.

  ( )3. I like the green one, but________

  A. it’s nice. B. it’s too big. C. it’s the green one.

  ( )4. Is this your T-shirt?________

  A. No. My T-shirt is red and white. B. Yes, it isn’t. C. No, I’m not.

  ( )5.________ is this balloon?

  A. what colour B. Who’s colour C. What colour

  ( )6. What colour is this?________

  A. It’s too black. B. It’s yello C. It’s too big.


  ( ) 1. What colour is the dress?A. Good night.

  ( ) 2. Is this your coat?B. Fine, thank you.

  ( ) 3. Good night.C. It’s very nice.

  ( ) 4. How are you?D . Yes, it is.

  ( ) 5. How old are you?E. I’m twelve.

  ( ) 6. Look at my new shirt.F. It’s blue and yello


  ( )1、你想问问这件外套的颜色,应该说:

  A. What is the coat? B. What colour is the coat? C. Is this your coat?

  ( )2、你想问别人的年龄,应该说:

  A. How many are you? B. How are you? C. How old are you?

  ( )3、你告诉朋友你的气球是蓝黄色的,应该说:

   balloon is blue and yello B. My balloon is blue and white. C. My balloon is yellow and pink.

  ( )4、你想夸夸别人的连衣裙很漂亮,应该说:

  A. It’s very big . B. Your dress is very beautiful. C. It’s not beautiful.


  1. colour is balloon this What?


  2. at Look T-shirts the


  3. the one I white like


  4. beautiful are they.


  5. your this Is dress?



  ( )Yes, I like the blue one.

  ( )Look at the coats.

  ( )I like the black one. But it’s too big.

  ( )They are very beautiful.

  ( )Oh, the blue one is very nice. I like it, too.


  1. What colour are your trousers?


  2. Is this your shirt? Yes, it is.


  k at the dress. It’s very beautiful.


  4. What colour is this balloon? It’s green .


  5. My coat is blue and yello


  九、阅读理解, 根据课文回答问题。


  It’s eight o’clock. The children(孩子们) go to school by car every day. But they are walking to school today. It’s ten o’clock. Mrs Green usually(通常) stays at home in the morning. But she is going to the shops this morning. It’s nine o’clock. Mr Green usually reads his newspaper at night(晚上)。 But he is reading a interesting(有趣的) book this evening.


  ( )n do the children come to school?

   8:00. 7:00. C:At 9:00.

  ( ) are they come to school today?

   car. bus. n C:Walking

  ( )n is Mrs Green going to the shops?

   8:00. 10:00. C:At 9:00.

  ( )n does Mr Green read his newspaper?

   8:00. 7:00. C:At 9:00.

  ( )t is Mr Green do this evening?

  ding a books. ting a letter. ching TV.


  Mike is a good student(学生)。 He gets up(起床) at six thirty (6:30)every day. He likes to wear(穿) his blue sweater. He goes to school at seven fifteen. He has English class at eight o’clock. He likes English very much. He has lunch(吃中餐) at home. In the afternoon, he always plays football(踢足球)on the school playground(在学校操场)。 He does homework after dinner. He goes to bed at nine o’clock.


  ( ) (1) Mike gets up at 6:20 every day.

  ( ) (2) Mike has a blue sweater.

  ( ) (3) Mike has lunch at school.

  ( ) (4) Mike likes to play football.

  ( ) (5) Mike does homework after school.


  I have a pencil box. It’s blue. There are lots of things in it. I have a pen. It’s red and long. I like it. I have three pencils. They are short. I have a ruler. It’s big. I have an eraser. It’s small.


  ( )1. The pencil box is _____.

  A .blue   B. red

  ( )2. The pen is ______.

  A. yellow   B. red

  ( )3. I have ______ pencils.

  A. 3   B. 2

  ( )4. The pencils are _______.

  A. short   B. long

  ( )5. The eraser is _______.

  A. big   B. Small


  I have a cat . It is a lovely(可爱的) cat. Her name is Dongdong. Her fur(毛)is black and white. She is my best friend. I like her very much . I often tell stories(故事)to her .


  ( )1. I have a dog .

  ( )2. Her name is Tom.

  ( )3. She is my best friend.

  ( )4. I don’t like her.

  ( )5. I often tell stories to her.


  My name is Jim. I get up at 7:30 every day. I do my homework at 8:30. I watch TV at 11:30. I go shopping(购物)at 2:00. I play computer games(玩电脑游戏) at 7:00. I go to bed at 10:00.


  1. I get up at ________every day.

  2. I do my ________at 8:30.

  3. I watch TV at________

  4. I go ________at 2:00.

  5. I go to bed at ________.


  I'm Daming. I live in China(中国)。 I have many hobbies(爱好)。 I like swimming(游泳), reading books, cooking(烹饪), watching TV, listening to music(听音乐) and riding bikes(骑车)。 I like blue very much. Tell me something about you: what's your hobby(爱好)?


  ( )1. I’m Lingling.

  ( )2. I live in America.

  ( )3. I like swimming.

  ( )4. I don’t like watching TV.

  ( ) 5. I like black very much.


  Look at my bed(床)。 There are many clothes(衣服) on my bed. Two dresses, three T-shirts, four shirts, one coat, and some trousers. One dress is blue, and one is pink. I have one red T-shirt and the others(其余的) are yello My shirts are all white. My trousers are all black. My coat is purple. I like my clothes very much. They are very beautiful.

  ( )1. How many T-shirts do I have?

  A. Three B. Thirteen

  ( )2. What colour is the coat?

  A. orange B. purple

  ( )3. Are all the shirts black?

  A. No. they are all black. B. Yes, they are.

  ( )4. What colour are my dresses?

  A. blue and pink. B. black and purple

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