雅思作文 雅思作文真题范文




  After looking this over, the first question that popped into my minad was that…

  My frist consideration is that…

  There are three reasons for my opinoin:

  My opinion is based on the following sound reasons:

  My first reason is that,…

  My second reason is that,…

  My third reason based on the saying : Men do not live by bread alone.

  Another reason that I'd like to bring up is that…

  In the first place,…

  In the second place,…

  The first role that should be blamed is that…

  Another equally important factor was that…

  Last but not least,…

  Proponents of this view believe that,…

  Opponents of this view argue that,…

  For members of family who live far away from each other,…

  For those living together,…

  In short term,… in long term …


  For example/ instance…

  Take … for example/ instance.

  To offer another example/ instance…

  In my personal case,…

  Just as the saying goes: there is no garden without weeds. The same appliesto TV advertising.

  As the society has entered the information age and the commercialization/ industrialization is sweeping across the world ,…

  The advent of … makes…

  Great changes have taken place in family life along with the development of the society.

  As time passes…

  Compared with the past,…

  However, the situation is beyond control since…

  In the past, it was assumed that…. But now the attitude is that…


  I approve wholeheartedly that…

  I totally agree with the statement that…

  Thus, I totally believe that…

  I am a believer of the argument that…

  I firmly believe that…

  For my part, I am in favor of their argument…

  I prefer to …

  I can not picture/ imagine a world/ life without…

  It my belief that…

  It is my firmly held opinion that…

  While many individuals complain that… I firmly believe that…

  One my think that… but in fact…

  It is widely believed/ accepted that…

  It is universally acknowledged that…

  There is no doubt that…

  It is undeniable that…

  It is an undeniable fact that…

  No one can deny the fact that…

  We should not overlook the fact that…



  A benefits B in a lot of aspects.

  A is of great importance for B.

  Therefore, I hold that A weigh heavier than B.

  The advantages of A outweigh its disadvantages.

  A’s advantages carries more weight than its disadvantages.

  However, in comparison, A is more effctive in doing sth.

  I think it is far more better for us to do sth.

  Another reason I’d like to bring up is that…

  标记雅思备考技巧  1.词汇




  在第二和第三部分的填空题中,相当一部分的空需要填写的是雅思词汇,不去背诵单词书而仅仅凭之前的积累是不够的。6月20日雅思考试中:part 3考的香料的历史作用,其中说香料的功效之一是治愈关节炎(arthritis),我抓住了发音,甚至知道是关节炎这个意思,由于词汇拼写记忆不牢,颇为抓狂。


  有一项关于词汇丰富量的评分项(lexical resources),雅思范文中基本上生词都是雅思词汇书中所包含的,因而如果对这些词汇不熟悉的话,枉谈熟练的使用。在了解词汇基本含义的基础上,通过阅读范文掌握在特定语境下的运用。


  上同样和写作相同的道理,能够在和考官的交流中运用相对生僻而准确的词汇来表达准确的意思。比如说good一意在不同的语境下可以用competent, charming, harmonious, well-regulated等。








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