大学英语六级考试作文 大学英语六级考试作文要写题目吗









  It is obvious in the graphtable that the rate number amount of Y has undergone dramatic changes. It has gone up grown fallen dropped considerably in recent years (as X varies).

  What is the reason for this change? Mainly there are three reasons behind the situation reflected in the graphtable. First of all, ______(第一个原因). More importantly, _______(第二个原因). Most important of all, _______(第三个原因).

  From the above discussions, we have enough reason to predict what will happen in the near future. The trend described in the graphtable will continue for quite a long time (if necessary measures are not taken括号里的使用于那些不太好的变化趋势).





  3. 提出解决办法及前景的预测

  Nowadays, there exists an increasingly serious socialeconomicenvironmental problem. (问题A)has increasingly bee a mon concern of the public.

  There are a couple of reasons booming this problemphenomenon. The main reason is_____ ,What is more, _____,Thirdly, _____.It has caused substantial impact on the society and our daily life. (阐释影响)

  A dozen of measures are supposed to take to prevent A from bringing us more one thing______.For another______. Based on the above discussions, I can easily forecast that more and more people will ……..(展望未来).



  1. 有一些人认为……

  2. 另一些人认为……

  3. 我的看法……

  The topic of _____(主题)is being more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions of it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of _____(支持A的理由一)What is more, _____(理由二). Moreover, _____(理由三).

  While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,_____(支持B的理由一). Secondly (besides),_____(理由二). Thirdly (finally),_____(理由三).

  From my point of view, I think _____(我的观点). The reason is that _____(原因). As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former is surely a wise choice .




  2. 分析并举例使其更充实

  The good old proverb _____(名言或谚语)reminds us that _____(主题含义). Indeed, we can learn many things form it.

  First of all,_____(理由一). For example, _____(举例说明). Secondly,_____(理由二). Another case is that _____(举例说明). Furthermore , _____(理由三).

  In my opinion, _____(我的观点). In short, whatever you do, please remember the say_____(主题或名言). If you understand it and apply it to your study or work, you”ll necessarily benefit a lot from it.



  1. 说明事物现状

  2. 事物本身的'优缺点(或一方面)

  3. 你对现状(或前景)的看法

  Nowadays many people prefer A because it has a significant role in our daily life. Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows. First _____(A的优点之一). Besides_____(A的优点之二).

  But every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. One of the important disadvantages is that_____(A的第一个缺点).To make matters worse,_____(A的第二个缺点).

  Through the above analysis, I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones. Therefore, I would like to _____(我的看法).

  From the parison between these positive and negative effects of A, we should take it reasonably and do it according to the circumstances we are in. Only by this way, _____(对前景的预测).



  1. 问题现状

  2. 怎样解决(解决方案的优缺点)

  In recent days, we have to face I problem_____(描述问题A), which is being more and more serious. First, _____(说明A的现状). Second, _____(举例进一步说明现状)

  Confronted with A, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing, _____(解决方法一). For another _____(解决方法二). Finally, _____(解决方法三).

  Personally, I believe that _____(我的解决方法). Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because _____(带来的好处).


  Currently, there is a widespread concern over(the issue that)_________(作文题目).It is really an important concern to every one of us. As a result, we must spare no efforts to take some measures to solve this problem.(阐述题目所述话题)

  As we know that there are many steps which can be taken to undo this problem. First of all, ________(途径1). In addition, another way contributing to success of the solving problem is ________(途径2).

  Above all, to solve the problem of _________(作文题目), we should find a number of various ways. But as far as I am concerned, I would prefer to solve the problem in this way, that is to say, _________(方法).


  In recent days, we have to face I problem_____A, which is being more and more serious. First, ____________(说明A的现状).Second, _______________(举例进一步说明现状)

  Confronted with A, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing, _______________(解决方法一). For another ________(解决方法二). Finally, _______(解决方法三).

  Personally, I believe that ________(我的解决方法). Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because _________(带来的好处).


  With the development of science and human civilization, many formerly unimaginable things e into reality. Some of them have positive effects on our life, but some are distasteful. The phenomenon of ________(所讨论的话题)is an example of the former latter one.

  There are many factors that may account for it, and the following are the most conspicuous aspects. To start with, ________(原因1). Furthermore, ______ (原因2). Eventually, ________(原因3).

  Good as ________(所讨论的话题)is, it has, unfortunately, its disadvantages. The apparent example is that _______(缺点例子1). In addition, _______ (缺点例子2).

  On the whole, the phenomenon is one of the results of the progress of the modern society. There is still a long way for us to improve eliminate _______(所讨论的话题)and make our life more fortable.


  Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over(the issue that)_________(作文题目). In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in _______(题目议题). Generally speaking, it is widely believed there are several positive aspects as follows. Firstly, _________(优点1). And secondly ________(优点2).

  Just As a popular saying goes, "every coin has two sides", ________(所讨论的话题)is no exception, and in another word, it still has negative aspects. To begin with, _________(缺点1). In addition, __________(缺点2).

  To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of ______(所讨论的话题)into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time. In that case, we will definitely make a better use of the _______(所讨论的话题).



  A. 有人认为X 是好事,赞成X,为什么?B. 有人认为X 是坏事,反对X,为什么?C. 我的看法.

  Some people are in favor of the idea of doing X. They point out the fact that 支持X 的第一个原因.They also argue that 支持X 的另一个原因.However, other people stand on a different ground. They consider it harmful to do X. They firmly point out that 反对X 的第一个理由. An example can give the details of this argument: There is some truth in both arguments. But I think the advantages of X overweigh the disadvantages. In addition to the above-mentioned negative effects it might bring about, X also may X 的有一个坏处.2.批驳观点式A.一个错误观点.


  Many people argue that 错误观点.By saying that, they mean 对这个观点的进一步解释.An example they have presented is that 一个例子.(According to a survey performed by X on a group of Y, almost 80% of them 赞成这个错误观点或者受到这个错误观点的影响). There might be some element of truth in these people’s belief. But if we consider it in depth, we will feel no reservation to conclude that 与错误观点相反的观点.There are a number of reasons behind my belief. (以下参照辩论文的.议论文写法).3.社会问题(现象)式A.一个社会问题或者现象B.产生的原因


  Nowadays, there exists an increasingly serious socialeconomicenvironmental problem. (X has increasingly bee a mon concern of the public). According to a survey, 调查资料说明这种现象的情景.(或者是一个例子). There are a couple of reasons booming this problemphenomenon.下头参照辩论式议论文写法. X has caused substantial impact on the society and our daily life, which has been articulated in the following aspects. 参照辩论式议论文的写法. A dozen of measures are supposed to take to prevent X from bringing us more harm. 同上Based on the above discussions, I can easily forecast that more and more people will……


  Dear _____,


  (熟人)The time flies, we havent seen each other for a long time. I am writing to formally invite you to participate in Mr. Guo Jing and Huang Rong’s wedding ceremony, which will be held at Beijing Grand Hotel from 8 to 10 p.m. on December 1, 20_ _.

  (陌生人)I am Li Ming, one of Yang Guo’s best friends. I, on behalf of Yang Guo and Xiao Longnv, am writing this letter for the purpose of inviting you to participate in Mr Yang’s wedding ceremony with Xiao Longnv, which will be held at Shijiazhuang Railway Hotel from 8 to 10 p.m. on December 1, 2011.


  As one of our best friends, it is my pleasure to introduce the process of the ceremony. Firstly, the occasion will start at … After that, at about …, …. At around ten, we will hold a smallmusical party, at which a band will perform some works by Xu Yuteng, one of the most popular singers.


  My thankshopes to you for your generous helpkind consideration on my requests are beyond words. I am looking forward to your favorable reply at your earliest convenience.



  It can be seen from the chart that there have been sharpslight increasesdecreases in the number of_______ in the past decade. As the statistics showsindicates, the year XXX witnessed ______ However, _______


  There are a number of factors accounting forresponsible for the change, but the following are the most critical ones. First of all,________ In addition What is more Additionally,______Last but not least, ______


  In a word To conclude In conclusion, this chartpie-chartform tablegraph the above statistics is a perfect indicator of______ what makes me convinced is that ______





  It is universally acknowledged that ______, which means that _____. Even simple operations can easily be spoiled if we ________ . Actually, ____ is the key to success. Therefore, no one can neglect the great importance of ______.


  Taking a look around, we can find examples too numerous to list. The best illustration might be English study. It is ____ practice that enables a learner to get a good mand of pronunciation. Similarly, only by ____ can we acquire a basic grasp of grammar. It is a fact that the process of other skills is no exception.


  In short, laying a solid foundation is essential if we want to make achievements in our studies or work, or indeed in any other aspect of our lives. At every step, review what has been achieved and assess the problems ahead before moving to the next step. And what we should bear in mind is that _______.






  Nobody could have failed to notice the fact that ________ has have bee agrave problem with which modern citizens are confronted. As far as I know, there are some ______. Apparently enough, we can find numerous examples in our societycampus. However, what makes many people worried is that this issue has not aroused enough concern.


  As far as I am concerned, there are numerous factors accounting for the phenomenon mentioned above, but the following might be the critical ones. First and foremost, ________ Besides, ________. Last but not least, _______ .


  From my point of view, there are a number of ways in which ____ can tackle mentioned above, but the following might be the indispensible ones. Firstly, ________ Secondly, ________.Thirdly, _______ .


  Based on the above analysis, we can naturally e to a safe conclusion that ______ As modern college students, it is our responsibility to shoulder the burden of inheriting and developing cultural heritage constructing our nation’s future. Therefore, it is essential that we should _______. Besides, in order to ____, we should try to _____.Only by doing so can we bee qualified talents to make great contributions to our homeland.





  When it es to______, opinions differ(vary) from one to another ferenf people hold different opinions


  There are a number of individuals who hold the positive opinion. They believe that_____ is advantageous for_____. What makes them convinced is that ______ .In addition(whats more), they claim that _______.


  Others, however, hold the opposite vie They maintain that it is unnecessarynot indispensible to _______ . One reason they cite is that ______ . Another significant cause is that ______.

  末段1:PersonallyFrom my point of viewas far as im concerned, nothing is more important than _____ On the one hand, it is a fact that ______ ,On the other hand, no one can deny the fact that ______ Therefore, Only by doing so can ______

  末段2:From my point of view, ______ itself is neither good nor bad. For our human being, nothingis more important than making best use of it. We need _____ in our daily life, but we should never be slaves of ____.



  1、We cannot ignore the fact that……我们不能忽略这个事实……

  2、No one can deny the fact that……没人能否认这个事实……

  3、This is a phenomenon that many people are interested in.

  4、be closely related to ~~ (与...息息相关)


  1:We should take some effective measures.我们应该采取有效措施

  2:We should try our best to overcome/conquer the difficulties.我们应该尽最大努力去克服困难

  3:We should do our utmost in doing sth.我们应该尽力去做……

  4:We should solve the problems that we are confronted/faced with.我们应该解决我们面临的.困难


  1:The reason why + 句子 ~~~ is that + 句子 (...的原因是...)

  2:This phenomenon exists for a number of reasons .First,…….Second,…….Third,……。这一现象存在有很多原因的,第一……第二……第三……

  3:For one thing,…… For another thing,…… ==On the one hand,……On the other hand……一方面……另一方面……

  4:I quite agree with the statement that……The reasons are chiefly as follows.我十分赞同这一论述,即……其主要原因如下。


  1:Peoples views on……vary from person to person. Some hold that……However, others believe that……(人们对……的观点因人而异,有些人认为……然而其他人却认为……)

  2:People may have different opinions on……(人们对……可能会持有不同见解)

  3:Attitudes towards...vary from person to person.==Different people hold different attitudes towards...(人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异)

  4:There are different opinions among people as to……(对于……人们的观点大不相同)


  1:Obviously,if we dont control the problem, the chances are that……will lead us in danger.(很明显,如果我们不能控制这一问题,很有可能我们会陷入危险)

  2:No doubt, unless we take effective measures, it is very likely that ……(毫无疑问,除非我们采取有效措施,否则我们很可能会……)

  3:It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation(很紧迫的是应立即采取措施阻止这一事态的发展)


  1:The best way to solve the troubles is……解决这些麻烦的最好办法是……

  2:As far as something is concerned,……就某事而言,……

  3:It is obvious that……很显然……

  4:It may be true that……but it doesnt mean that……可能……是对的,但这并不意味着……

  5:It is natural to believe that……but we shouldnt ignore that……认为……是自然的,但我们不应忽视……

  6:There is no evidence to suggest that……没有证据表明……


  1:It is high time that we put an end to the (trend).(该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了)

  2:There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of……(毫无疑问,对……问题应予以足够重视)

  3:Obviously ,if we want to do something … it is essential that……(显然,如果我们想要做么事,很重要的是……)

  4:Only in this way can we ……(只有这样,我们才能……)

  5:Spare no effort to + V (不遗余力的)


  1. 至于我,在某种程度上我同意后面的观点,我认为……

  As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent. I think that ____.

  2. 总而言之,整个社会应该密切关注……这个问题。只有这样,我们才能在将来……。 In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ______.Only in this way can ______in the future.

  3. 但是,……和……都有它们各自的优势(好处)。例如,……,而……。然而,把这两者相比较,我更倾向于(喜欢)……

  But ______and ______have their own advantages. For example, _____, while_____. Comparing this with that, however, I prefer to______.

  4. 就我个人而言,我相信……,因此,我坚信美好的未来正等着我们。因为……

  Personally, I believe that_____. Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because______.

  5. 随着社会的发展,……。因此,迫切需要……。如果每个人都愿为社会贡献自已的一份力量,这个社会将要变得越来越好。

  With the development of society, ______.So it"s urgent and necessary to ____.If every member is willing to contribute himself to the society, it will be better and better.

  6. 至于我(对我来说,就我而言),我认为……更合理。只有这样,我们才能…… For my part, I think it reasonable to_____. Only in this way can you _____.

  7. 对我来说,我认为有必要……。原因如下:第一,……; 第二,……;最后……但同样重要的是……

  In my opinion, I think it necessary to____. The reasons are as follows. First _____.Second ______. Last but not least,______.

  8. 在总体上很难说……是好还是坏,因为它在很大程度上取决于……的形势。然而,就我个人而言,我发现……。

  It is difficult to say whether _____is good or not in general as it depends very much on the situation of______. However, from a personal point of view find______.

  9. 综上所述,我们可以清楚地得出结论……

  From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that____.

  10. 如果我们不采取有效的方法,就可能控制不了这种趋势,就会出现一些意想不到的不良后果,所以,我们应该做的是……

  If we can not take useful means, we may not control this trend, and some undesirable result may come out unexpectedly, so what we should do is_____.




  With the progress of society and the improvement of living standards, many people, especially young people,become too concerned about their appearance and suffer from appearance anxiety.

  Appearance anxiety can cause us a lot of problems. Not only does this lead to many harmful behaviors, such as excessive exercise,eating disorders,and even cosmetic surgery, which can affect our physical health, it can also have a negative impact on our mental health,making us feel anxious,even depressed, and plunging us into deep self-doubt.

  We should take positive actions to eliminate our appearance anxiety. First of all, we should keep a positive and optimistic attitude in life and study, so as to improve and overcome anxiety by increasing personal confidence. Secondly, we should have normal standards of beauty,learn to accept our imperfections, and overcome the inferiority and self-doubt brought by t but not least,we should pay more attention to our inner character instead of superficial external performance.

  In conclusion, appearance anxiety can adversely affect our physical and mental should take active actions to eliminate appearance anxiety through the above mentioned ways,so that we can enjoy a happier life.



  People are now increasingly aware of the challenges in making a decision when faced with too many choices. For undergradu-ates, they have to decide whether they after graduation find a job,go abroad for further studies,start their own business,or pursue higher education at home.

  In order to achieve our desired goals and realize our dreams, everyone ought to choose the path which is suitable for him-self. But sadly, the reality is not the case. Currently, a mass of college students just follow others' choices,ignoring their own features and other possibilities. This is partly due to the fact that most of them come from wealthy family, lacking the courage to explore the unknown world and confront the chal-lenges,but also because modern people often live under peer pressure and feel safer when they follow suit.

  In all, measures are to be taken to prevent this trend from worsening. In doing so, parents, teachers, and social media should make joint efforts to promote the idea that everyone should make choices based on their own features.


  To begin with the sentence “People are now increasingly aware of the digital gap or challenges the elderly face in a digital world.” (comments, cite examples or use your personal experiences)


  People are now increasingly aware of the challenges the elderly face in a digital world. We can trace this issue to a few factors.

  For one thing, the digital world undergoes rapid re is no doubt that every few years, the digital technology and related equipment might be transformed considerably or even fundamentally, demanding rather quick adaptation of their users. For another, the elderly people generally fail to keep up with the trend of the digital world due to the gradual loss of their faculties and learning capability resulting from their age. In no way can we deny that most people in their late years have great difficulty in gaining access to the internet as it is getting smarter and more sophisticated.

  It must be admitted that such a digital gap exerts considerable negative impact on the elderly. There will be more and more old people, esp. when we are stepping into the aging society,who are deprived of all the convenience brought by the digital age or even the necessary abilities to survive in the fast-changing world.

  It is my sincere hope that the further development of digital world can be more friendly to the aged so that they won' t suffer much while the others are enjoying it greatly.



  6月  第一套


  Nowadays more and more people keep learning new skills to adapt to a fast-changing can make comments,use examples,or use your personal experiences to develop your essay.


  It is a truth universally acknowledged that we are living in a constantly changing world. What seemed absolutely right yesterday may prove wrong today. Therefore, it is essential for everyone to keep learning new skills, so they can keep up with the pace of modern world.

  This mentality counts in almost every stage of our st, when a student keeps learning new skills, he/she always asks for more and desires to explore the unknown world. Therefore, there is an excellent chance that he/she stands out in peer groups. Second, in the workplace,office workers with such attitude generally finish his/her tasks in a higher quality, and they are more likely to climb up the ladder more quickly than their colleagues who content themselves with the skills they already ides, in our daily life, people who keep learning new skills are more positive, and everyone around them must be fond of making friends with them.

  In all, we must keep learning new skills so as to adapt to the fast-changing world. On the one hand, we should make friends more with people who have such attitude,and let their positive energy influence the other, we should bear in mind that what remains unchanged is change itself, so we should never stop learning new skills.



  To write an essay that begins with the sentence‘ "nowadays more and more people choose to live an environmentally friendly lifestyle."


  Nowadays more and more people choose to live an environmentally friendly lifestyle. They tend to produce less rubbish in their daily life and try to recycle anything that can be e even, become enthusiasts and encourage more people around them to change their lifestyles into the more environmentally friendly ones.

  Simon, one of my best friends, is a typical youngster who lives an environmentally friendly lifestyle. He tries not to buy products during the manufacture of which much pollution may be caused. After using up the goods he bought, he would always reuse the packages of the goods for other purposes. He also tries to reduce the pollution from human-made machines. No matter in very hot summer or in freezing cold winter, he never uses air conditioners. He believes that it does us good to stayin a natural environment and reducing the use of air conditioners can save more electricity as well.

  As people’S awareness of protecting and guarding the earth becomes stronger, an increasing number of people from different fields will join to live sustainably and eventually make the world a more worthy place to live.



  More and more people take the delight to helping the needy


  Currently in our society, it is quite prevalent for citizens to give a hand to those who are in need of rt from this trend, what encourages people is that people in growing numbers find it delighted to help the needy. The reasons, from my per-spective, can be listed as follows.

  The first motivation behind this trend lies in the growing abili-ty of average people to help others. Unlike those in the early 21st century, people in current society are equipped with knowledge,skills, and even economic strength to provide more assistance to help the needy. What is more, this trend is largely associated with the sense of satisfaction of the public. When offering help on time, those who lend a hand realize their own value and thus part of the meaning of their life, which further strengthens similar behaviors in their daily life. The last factor is about positive energy in the mass China,a country with traditional virtues of helping the disadvantaged, matters of the help among common people are great ingredients for the publicity of both tradition virtues and modern values.

  For me, it is much delighted to see that the public are more likely to lend a hand to others h people's growing ability, the sense of satisfaction, and the spread of good deeds in the mass media, this trend will inevitably become a norm in our society.

  9月  第一套:

  Today more and more people begin to realize the pleasures and joys of real-world social interaction. In the information era, it goes without saying that the Internet plays a key role in our daily lives. The Internet and mobile phones enabled us to contact others, search for information and provide us with online services. However, opinions vary when it comes to whether they brought us more advantages than drawbacks.

  First and foremost, it is natural for students to be fond of mobile phones because of the convenience they bring. However, in my opinion, real-world social interaction is incomparable to online platforms. We can’t communicate directly and expressively if we abandon the way of real-world social interaction. Without the care of friends and family, people get easily downhearted and demoralized. It is time for us to draw attention to the problem and put down our mobile phones, go home every night to have dinner with our family, and sit in front of the TV to chat.

  In the final analysis, the Internet would amount to a double-edged sword. Compared with the previous virtual social interaction, I found how happy the real-world social interaction in the real world is!


  Nowadays, students are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of developing digital skills. With the popularity of the Internet, digital capability has gradually emerged into our vision. There is a going recognition that students in mounting numbers realize the necessity of developing digital skills.

  In a digital era, it is of great importance for students to use the internet for their daily uses. The Internet tends to play an increasingly important role in our life. Therefore, many college students have the foresight to improve their digital ability. Technological advances can lead to more efficient uses of natural resources and sustain economic growth. With digital capability, not only can we follow the latest news, but also we can improve our working efficiency. It is an integral part of everyone’s life.

  In the final analysis, we can have more convenience and enjoy more online services with improved digital capability. Nowadays, the world is developing rapidly and changing rapidly. Obviously, improving digital capability better and more efficient is a very helpful means.  第三套:

  Nowadays, the one-child policy has triggered a controversial issue as to Chinese parents overprotecting their children. Some believe that parents can never put too much emphasis on planning and preparing things for their children while others argue that this is extremely harmful for these youngsters. Such phenomenon can be attributed to the following factors.

  First and foremost, the strict one-child policy in the past three decades has brought the issue that couples cherish their only child and endeavor to prepare thoroughly for them. Planning everything and making every decision in advance, these parents fear that their children might make mistakes or get hurt. What’s more, youngsters are likely to depend on their parents both mentally and financially. I am a case in point. It is not exaggerated to say that parents are the persons I trust in most.

  As far as I am concerned, parents should be aware that overprotecting will only do harm to their children. In addition, youngsters should think independently and rely on their own when it comes to making decisions. Moreover, society should help spread the dangers of indulging children. Only by doing so can we make family education in a balanced way.

  12月  第一套:团队精神

  Today, increasing importance is being attached to cultivating college students’ team spirit. Many people believe that team spirit benefits not only themselves but also the whole group, while others have the idea that it is more important to focus on finishing one’s own job. As for me, the former is more reasonable.

  There are a variety of reasons accountable for my statement. Firstly, college students with team spirit generally have better academic performance, because they tend to contribute to the team, learn from other team members, and are generally modest and patient. Moreover, when college students graduate and enter the workplace, those with strong team spirit are more likely to create a good impression on their colleagues and bosses than those who just intend to finish their own job. Therefore, these team players can climb up the ladder more quickly. Besides, in our daily life, young people who have such strength are caring, warm, and considerate; who do not fancy making friends with them?

  In sum, we, as college students, ought to attach more impor-tance to cultivating our team spirit. In order to do so, we are supposed to open up ourselves more, seize every opportuni-ties to collaborate with others to achieve a goal, and try to learn from our peers who have such virtue.





  In an era of information explosion, there is a heated debate over whether we need to develop criticality and make rational judgement. Some prefer following suit, whereas others have the idea that thinking critically is of great necessity. As for me, the latter is more reasonable.

  There are a range of reasons accountable for my point of vie Firstly, college students showing more critique usually make better decisions. They learn to differentiate useful information from various sources rather than accepting all without consid-eration. Therefore, they can draw a relatively comprehensive conclusion and make the best choice based on the information as well as their condition. Moreover, when they graduate and enter the workplace, the ability to think critically can help them assess if the position is suitable for themselves. A suit-able job, rather than a position simply with high salary, is a channel for an employee to realize the potential. Besides, in their daily life, critical thinking enables them to select better friends and expand social ties.

  In sum, thinking critically is of great necessity for college stu-dents. It not only helps them to gain advantages in the compe-tition with peer groups, but also allows them to select an ap-propriate start of the career and establish more positive friendship with others.


  With our society developing increasingly faster, people in growing numbers begin to realize that information technology plays a key role in education. Applying the state-of-the-art technology like online flatforms and smart classrooms renders teaching and learning more diverse and effective.

  There are a range of reasons accountable for my point of vie Firstly, information technology can alter college students learning mode. Compared with face-to-face classrooms, online teaching is more cost-effective, especially for those who live in the rural areas. Secondly, more freedom will be given to stu-dents. They can express their points of view through the online chat box in an anonymous way. Thirdly, they will pay more at-tention to autonomous learning with the help of various tools.

  In sum, information technology is of great necessity in educa tion. Not only does it help them enhance learning mode, but also enables to give them more freedom and enrich their life.



  6月  第一套作文: 中国高等教育


  The bar chart above explicitly demonstrates that the gross en rollment ratio in universities in China, according to the data from Ministry of Education, has increased dramatically from 3.4% in 1990 to 51. 6% in 2019. Obviously, the past thirty years have witnessed China 's great achievements in higher educa- tion.

  Firstly, higher education in China has become approachable to most Chinese citizens. This is partly due to the fact that Chi na 's economy has been developing at a marvelous speed, but also because Chinese government has launched a wide range of favorable policies to support rural students to get admitted to colleges. Moreover, the quality of China s universities has showed a marked improvement. Now, several seats of learning in China are among the top universities world-wide, and every year they draw numerous foreign students to come to China for higher education. Besides, Chinese government and a mass of big enterprises have been investing heavily into upgrading the campus sites, introducing the most advanced equipments, and increasing the faculty s salaries.

  In all, the China s achievements in higher education are re markable. I believe that this trend will surely continue, and will in turn benefit our great country

  第二套作文: 中国城市化


  The line chart clearly reveals the proceeding of Chinese urbanization during the thirty years between 1980 and 2019. To be specific, the percentage of urban population, only 19.39% in 1980, jumped to 50% in 2010 and then rose steadily in the next ten years, reaching the peak of more than 60% in 2019.

  The incredible outcome illustrated by the graph can be attributed to the great importance Chinese government has attached to the advancing of urbanization. In order to improve the wellbeing for its citizens and accelerate the development of the country, China has formulated and implemented various favorable polices to boost urban infrastructure, increase employment opportunities and raise people’s income. These measures have worked well, and made people in cities and towns enjoy a more satisfactory life. Not only have their lives become more convenient and abundant than before, but also they are surrounded with better educational and medical resources. Thus, the rural people are attracted to flood into cities and they have found they have more disposable income and lead a more colorful life, which they could not have imagined in the past.

  This great achievement has not come easily. As the responsible and ambitious youngsters, we should cherish it and continue to forge forward to realize the Chinese。

  第三套作文: 脱贫


  The bar chart above explicitly demonstrates the great achieve ments China has made in poverty alleviation In 2012, there are over 80 million rural people in poverty, which takes up almost 10% of the rural population. However, the following nine years witness the continuous decline in this figure, and in 2020, all the Chinese rural people are alleviated from poverty.

  The achievements, however, can not be completely reflected by this figure. Firstly, Chinese rural people have become creasingly wealthier. More families possess their own automo biles, more rural people have access to high-tech devices, and their living conditions have also improved markedly. Moreover, the literate rate of rural population has greatly increased, too Primary schools are so popular in rural area that almost every child can receive education, which will surely in turn propel the development of rural areas in the future. Besides, more rural people go to bigger cities to realize their Chinese dreams, and they have contributed a lot to the prosperity of our great country.

  In all, China 's achievements in alleviating poverty have at tracted worldwide attention. I am very proud of being a Ch nese citizen, and I believe our great country will become better, stronger, and more beautiful.

  12月  第一套:追星现象


  The social phenomenon that idol worship is prevalent among youths has become a hot issue nowadays. The stars represent the hero images, whose handsome appearance and unparalleled professional skills are passionately adored by all the fans. Likewise, some teenagers, no matter boys or girls, have won their fame overnight nationwide, which has aroused heated discussion on the outlook on values and the negative impacts of star chasing.

  From my perspective, idol worship, the thought-provoking social phenomenon, is a double-edged sword which can deeply influence the growth of young people. If youngsters merely adore the idols by imitating their hairstyles or pursuing fashions unreasonably, the obsession will certainly waste a lot of money, time or energy, endangering the efficiency of study or disturbing the daily routines. On the contrary, we will lead a positive and fruitful life if we endeavor to improve ourselves by focusing on the development of ourselves, instead of spending too much time in star chasing. Consequently, the latter attitude should be adopted to direct our way of life.

  As far as I have discussed, the phenomenon sends out a message to all the social members: it should not be remained in the present condition. The trendy online media,the educational sectors, and parents should undertake the responsibility to help the young erect a correct outlook for life. With such a value, the younger generation can grow into the qualified socialist successors.

  第二套:网络虚假信息  范文

  In the digital age, no one can live without using the Internet, and young people are a large part in this field. They prefer to browse Microblog or Tik Tok, which pours countless information into their eyes. However, among all the news, some is real; some is fake. It is a question whether these young information receivers can make correct judgments.

  We cannot deny that the phenomenon of the online false information is becoming increasingly serious. The fake news not only misleads some youngsters who do not have much social experience, but also ruins the medium credibility. For example, last September, an Internet celebrity made a video that showed some seaweed was made of plastics, which was totally made up, but it caused great losses to the sellers as well as the customers. If such cases continue like that, the younger generation will doubt about almost everything around them, which may bring detrimental influence to the whole society.

  What should we do to prevent and control the fake information online? First and foremost, it must be severely cracked down with the joint efforts of authorities in various sector. Journalists are supposed to enhance their judgments and improve their professional ethics. In addition, the adolescents should strengthen the awareness of ensuring legal rights. Only when these measures are taken properly and promptly, can we curb this tendency and create a reliable and responsible atmosphere on the Internet.


  No matter how old you are, you will be familiar with the phrase “Baby …” This is not a term only for kids. The college students are also regarded as babies in their parents’ eyes. At present, the children’s overprotection is widely spreading throughout the country. Facing such a phenomenon, we should know the reasons, and reverse the adverse trend.

  For one thing, owing to the improved living standards and the limited number of children in each family, most parents provide excessive care and material supplies to satisfy their children’s needs. How many times are we blocked on the commuting way? The reason is not that some traffic accidents happen, but that parents are sending their children to schools. Do they need to do this every day? Of course not! For another, a majority of children only focus on their study, ignoring social communication and practice. Once these offsprings start to face the society themselves, they are unable to solve problems in the competitive world. They are too spoiled to be strong enough to endure the hardships and difficulties.

  In sum, it is essential for us to solve the problem of children’s education timely and effectively. By undergoing more predicaments, these young people can develop strong personality and live independently in the future, and in this way, they will eventually become qualified participants in the changing world.



  7月  The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today


  People often say, “The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today”. This saying reveals the enormous influence of acting in time on our future. The importance of doing our best today is beyond doubt, Ironically, it is easier said than done.

  How we can focus best on today is a thought-provoking question. The following methods need to be taken into consideration. Firstly, such is human nature, that a great many people are often willing to dream about the great tomorrow instead of doing what they need to do at the moment, which is absolutely mistaken. What we should clearly know is that it’s impossible for us to enjoy a better future without today’s hardworking. It might also be noted that it is the elaborate plans that can prompt us to finish what we should do today. Making plans should be a necessary habit in this completive and rapidly changing society. The last methods to be taken seriously is that the more we learn from other experienced and successful people, the more easily we can pay attention to the present and be down-to-earth and strive for practical results in our work Instead of going for ostentation.

  Considering every method that has been discussed above, we can agree with the idea that it is high time that we took effective actions to do our best today. If we work on it from now on, in the near future, we will not be regretted for what we haven’t done today.

  9月  第一套

  Wealth of the mind is the only true wealth


  In this rapidly developing society, what we persue has never been more abundant than ever before. We care about the food safety, the health of the people around us, the apper- ence of us and the money we can earn. Talking about wealth, ideas may differ from person to person. Among all the elements of wealth that modern people attach importance to, I reckon that wealth of the mind is the only true wealth.

  Looking around, we may find many facts which can relect the value in the saying. Take Lihong as an example, she is not the traditionally typical youngster who would be considered wealthy. However, she keeps reading books routinely and insists in attending a variety of lectures. When mentioned, Lihong is always the exemplary model praised by everybody. To many acquaintances of hers, they think she is one of the most knowledgable and thoughtful girls they' ve ever met. In the case of Lihong, wealth of the mind is more essentially valued than the money she possesses.

  To conclude, it is not the money we earn but wealth of our mind that determines how people see us. This reminds us agian of the value that wealth of the mind is the only true wealth.


  What is worth doing is worth doing well


  In different stages of life, we may have diverse pursuit. Some determine to pass an arduous exam whereas others may tend to find a satisfying job. No matter what we are going to do, one thing is certain, we have to spare no effort to make the worthy task fully accomplished. As the saying goes, what is worth doing is worth doing well.

  Looking around, we may find many deeds to which we can apply the value relected in the saying. Take myself as an example, I made my mind to attend the postgraduate entrance exams at the beginning of last year, which for me I thought was worth doing. Once the decision had been made, I never doubted the possibility of not being able to pass the exams. I made a comprehensive plan for the whole year study and stuck to it strictly. In the end, I managed to pass the exams and became a qualified graduate student.

  To conclude, what is worth doing is definitely what is meaningful to us and even can have a Long-term influence on our life and growth. Only when we accomplish what is worth doing well can we be more likely to succeed.


  Beauty of the soul is the essential beauty


  In this rapidly developing society, what we persue has never been more abundant than ever before. We care about the food safety, the money we can earn, the health of the people around us and the apperence of us, namely beauty. Talking about beauty, ideas may differ from person to person. Among all the elements of beauty that modern people attach importance to, I reckon that beauty of the soul is the essential beauty.

  Looking around, we may find many facts which can relect the value in the saying. Take Lihong as an example, she is not the traditionally typical youngster who would be considered beautiful. However, she keeps doing good routinely and insists in helping those in need. When mentioned,Lihong is always the exemplary model praised by everybody. To many acquaintances of hers, they think she is one of the most beautiful girls they' ve ever met. In the case of Lihong, beauty of the soul is more essentially valued than that of her appearence.

  To conclude, it is not the fashionable hairstyle, not the ex- pensive clothes we wear, but beauty of our soul that deter- mines how people see us. This reminds us agian of the value that beauty of the soul is the essential beauty.

  12月  第一套:

  Changes in the way of Communication


  With the continuous progress of science and technology, great changes have taken place in the way people communicate. The influence of these changes are discussed as follows.

  Since the reform and opening up, people have been communicating in the following ways: letters, telegrams, telephone and mobile phones. After entering the 21st century, the appearance of smart phones has brought great changes. First of all, there is no denying that the change of communication mode has brought great convenience to people. Smart phones enabled video communication, and online shopping became popular after its appearance. Second, however, it also brought a lot of adverse effects. For example, the emergence of smart phones have made many people addicted to the virtual world, which not only delayed their study and work, but also affected their family harmony.

  In a word, it is inevitable that the development of science and technology will change the way of communication, which will bring a lot of influence to people’s life. We need to take advantage of the convenience of these changes, but we also need to learn to overcome their disadvantages. In this way, we can enjoy life better.


  Changes in the way of Transportation


  With the social and economic development, our means of transportation have changed a lot over the last few decades, which has brought much convenience to our life.

  In the 1970s and 1980s, bicycles were the primary means of public transportation. Families that owned a bicycle were thought to be in relatively good economic conditions. Because of the implementation of the reform and opening policy, the economy and people’s living standards were improved a lot and travelling by private cars became more and more common in 1990s and 2000s. And thanks to the information technology, we can now enjoy bike-sharing service and online ride-hailing service which help to make our journey more economical and flexible.

  We have enough reason to believe that our way of transportation could be more and more economically friendly and intelligent.


  Changes in the way of Education


  Along with the development of the society, people’s views on many matters have been changed greatly. In the past, multiple problems existed in school education and family education. But nowadays, so many things have been totally different.

  As for school education, the schools traditionally adopted exam-oriented mode regarding the students’ education and failed to pay much attention to other aspects, like quality education. However, this has been altered. The schools have made great efforts to promote all-around development of students, aiming to cultivate more excellent talents. Meanwhile, referring to home education, many children were forced to attend many interest-oriented classes that they hated, making them bear so much extra burden. But now, a large number of parents have changed their mind, for example, they encourage their children to choose the interest-oriented class, and endow more freedom to them.

  All in all, lots of changes have taken place in school education and family education. I believe that in the future plenty of things will be better than now, including the current education.



  6月  第一套:团队精神和沟通在工作中的重要性

  The Importance of Team Spirit and Communication in the Workplace

  As the saying goes, when teamwork kicks in, nobody can beat you. It highlights the critical role that team spirit plays in completing a task. In my view, team spirit and communication are especially important in the workplace.

  First of all, with the increasingly fierce competition between enterprises, in order to achieve the desired results, cooperation and communication among colleagues are particularly important because they can maximize work efficiency. Secondly, promoting team spirit and communication at work can ensure that everyone understand where the company is going and get them all actively involved in the development of the company. Thirdly, cooperation and communication at work can enhance the interaction between coworkers and form good interpersonal relationships, which is essential to build a friendly, cooperative, and harmonious working atmosphere in the enterprise culture.

  To conclude, we cannot deny that it is almost always the joint efforts of a whole team that decide the success or failure of a project. Therefore, for everyone in the workplace, we should learn to cooperate and communicate effectively with team members, so as to achieve a win-win situation.


  The Importance of Mutual Understanding and Respect in Interpersonal Relationships

  For college students, a harmonious interpersonal relationship, especially among classmates, can guarantee their healthy growth and development. And as for me, mutual understanding and respect is the key to building this harmony.

  For one thing, college students come from all over the country and they all have their own way of life and customs, so when having conflicts with each other, only mutual understanding and respect can make both sides reach an agreement. If they can reach a consensus, it will be good for them to maintain long-term friendly relations. For another thing, mutual understanding and respect can make students more willing to learn from their teachers and classmates, thus making them study more efficiently, which is conducive to creating a harmonious learning atmosphere for classes.

  In conclusion, mutual understanding and respect is the basis of good interpersonal relationships. Just as the saying goes, if you want to win the respect of others, you first need to respect others. Therefore, whenever you disagree with others, try to put yourself in their shoes and be more tolerant and understanding.


  The Importance of Motivation and Methods in Learning

  When it comes to learning, there is a famous Chinese saying which goes "Learning without thinking leads to confusion; thinking without learning ends in danger." Evidently, it is meant to tell us that learning methods are as important as hard work. I totally agree with it. Besides, I insist that in addition to diligence and methods, motivation in learning should also be paid attention to.

  As for me, motivation is an indispensable part of learning, because without motivation, you won't start to learn at all. Even if you have started studying, without motivation that drives you to keep going, you may easily give up when faced with difficulties.

  With motivation, we also need the right way to learn. In the learning process, hard work is not enough. If we don't attach importance to learning methods, we may fall into the dilemma of studying mechanically. Instead, with effective learning methods, there will be twice the result with half the effort.

  In brief, motivation and methods are critical to successful learning. Therefore, only when we are clearly aware of this, can we achieve good learning results by making efforts.

  12月  第一套:


  With the development of technology, people have become less dependent on each other, and more isolated. Community has become a forgotten concept to many is a situation that needs to be restored urgently.

  We all live in communities; no one is an island. So it is absolutely necessary for us to have a sense of community responsibility. There is a Chinese proverb that says: A far-off relative is not as helpful as a nearby neighbor. Take the following case as a good example: One afternoon, a residential building was on fire. At first, the fire was small and three school children found it. The first thing that came to their mind was not to run away, but to try to put out the fire. Unfortunately, their attempts n they began to climb up stairs and knock on doors in the building. Thanks to their courageous deed, no one was m this story we may learn that a sense of community responsibility is so imporant that it sometimes can save people's lives.

  Community responsibility can also be as simple as reminding your neighbor to shut the window during a windy day, but it definitely helps us to create a better community



  我们都生活在社群之中;没有人是一座孤岛。因此,对我们来说,拥有社群责任感是绝对必要的。 中国有一句谚语说:远亲不如近邻。以下事件就是一个很好的例子:一天下午,"一幢住宅楼着火了。起初,火势很小,三名学生发现了火情。他们想到的第一件事不是跑开,而是设法把火扑灭。不幸的是, 他们的尝试失败了。然后他们开始爬上楼梯,并且一户接一户地敲门。由于他们的勇敢行为,没有人受伤。从这个故事中我们可以认识到,社群责任感如此重要,有时它可以拯救人们的生命。




  Family is the most important unit of a society, and in Chinese culture,family has a position that cannot be surpassed by any other social living units. Thus, it is of great importance that every member in the family has asense of family responsibility.

  Inside a family, each member plays his or her different but essential ryone, including children, must bear family responsibility. Traditionally, men are often regarded as the bread en are assigned to do housework and child-rearing work. With the advancement of the society, more and more women are stepping into workplace, so it is equally important for men to share household h both parents working a nine-to-five job, it has also become a common phenomenon in China that grandparents shoulder the responsibility of looking after small children. As for children, apart from attending school, they should also betaught to help around the house.

  Only in this way-each performs his or her own duty-can a family stick together and become the bedrockof the society.


  家庭是一个社会最重要的单位,在中国文化中,家庭的地位是其他任何社会生活单位都无法超越的。 因此,每个家庭成员都要有家庭责任感,这是非常重要的。

  在一个家庭里,每个成员都扮演着不同但又至关重要的角色。每一个人,包括孩子,都必须承担起家庭责任。传统上,男性常被视为赚钱养家的人。女性则被分配做家务和抚养孩子。随着社会的进步, 越来越多的女性进入职场,因此男性分担家务也同样重要。由于父母双方都有朝九晚五的工作,祖父母承担照顾幼儿的责任也已成为中国社会的.普遍现象。至于孩子们,除了上学外,同样也应该教他们在家里帮忙。




  Human beings are social animals. The society that we live in is made up of tens of thousands of individuals like you and me. Thus the importance of having a sense of social responsibility is self-evident.

  In order to have an idealenvironment, each of us has to bear a shared responsibility. Take environmental protection for example, we all know that the Earth is becoming warmer and warmer due to the greenhouseeffect. It is high time for us to take action to reducepolution. Now many Chinese cities are beginning to enforce garbage classifcation ting waste into hazardous waste, recyclable waste, household food waste and so on is without doubt a troublesome task for everyone, yet it is our shared responsibility to support this move. And only by everyone ’s commitment can we enjoy a better environment.

  All in all,a sense of social responsibility is what a citizen cannot live we were fish, then society would be the sea we live in. Saving the sea is saving ourselves.







  6月  第一套:雇主与员工

  The Importance of Building Trust Between Employers and Employees

  It is an undeniable fact that trust can lay a solid foundation for commercial activities. Therefore, building trust between employers and employees plays a crucial role in boosting an organization.

  To begin with, as the saying goes, the best bosses understand the art of delegation. If a boss believes in his people and tries his best to delegate instead of micromanaging, this kind of belief can drive him to create an environment where employees would have more passion for work and work more efficiently. Next, with trust, employers and employees can achieve mutual consensus, build harmonious cooperation and have effective communication, which is beneficial to creating a pleasant working atmosphere. In this way, not surprisingly, the two parties can directly promote the rapid progress of the organization and indirectly spur continuous development of the individuals.

  Taking into account what we have discussed above,we may safely arrive at a conclusion that it is sensible for both employers and employees to keep in mind that mutual trust contributes to realizing a win-win situation.


  The Importance of Building Trust Between Teachers and Students

  A good relationship between a teacher and a student can have a major influence on a kid's development, and trust is crucial and indispensable in maintaining the relationship.

  To begin with, only when a student believes in his or her teacher is he or she willing to learn from the teacher or look to the teacher for guidance and support. In reality, too many students are weary of study and even drop out of school only because they dislike their teachers, which may transform their whole life. Besides, a teacher who has the full trust of his or her students is more motivated to help them improve the consciousness and initiative of learning, which in turn benefits the students most. However, the credibility between teachers and students is not something that can be built in a day. On the one hand, teachers should comprehend the students' actual demands and offer timely help. On the other hand, students should always be respectful to their teachers.

  All in all, trust in a teacher-student relationship is a must to achieve effective teaching an learning.


  The Importance of Building Trust Between Businesses and Consumers

  Today, in the context of this era featured by increasing commercialization and digitalization, mutually-trusted relations between businesses and consumers appear to be particularly important.

  As for me businesses should take a leading role in establishing the trust relationship: to be honest with their stly, if a business has a dishonest attitude toward its customers, the customers will lack purchasing confidence in its goods or services, which will bring huge economic loss to the business. What's worse, the adverse side effect of such dishonesty can endanger the business and it is impossible to recover. The collapse of Sanlu Milk Powder Company is a testament to this. Moreover, the incident of poisonous milk has exerted devastating consequences on the whole milk powder market. Besides, because of the proliferation of counterfeit goods, more consumers lose confidence in domestic products,and then they have no alternative but to resort to foreign brands, which is one reason why cross-border online shopping is gaining more and more popularity in China.

  Therefore, it is high time for us to strengthen the importance of maintaining trust between businesses and consumers to promote the healthy development of the whole social economy.

  12月  第一套:平衡学习和课外活动网络

  Recently, the topic of the balance between academic studies and extra-curricular activities has been brought to public attention. We can find many examples easily: students’ study load makes them out of breath and leaves them no time for leisure.

  If this situation continues to worsen, young people’s physical and mental status raises the alarm. Thus, it’s urgent to strike a good balance between study and rest/personal hobbies. For one thing, too much academic work gives rise to immunity deterioration, which causes many health problems. For another, free time/constructive pastime helps us live in a positive cycle.

  Therefore, what we should do is to find enough time to develop our hobbies by finishing the homework on time and attending some beneficial activities off school. For example, regular exercise is a recommendable extracurricular activity to get relaxed.

  By doing exercises your body can produce a hormone that makes you recover from exhaustion. What’s more, you can transfer your focus from busy study by attending a reading seminar , thereby getting your intense nerves calm down.”


  Recently, the topic of the balance between work and leisure/hobby has been brought to public attention. We can find many examples easily: modern people’s workload makes people out of breath and leaves them no time for leisure/their interest.

  If this situation continues to worsen, their physical and mental status raises the alarm. Thus, it’s urgent to strike a good balance between working duties and rest/personal hobbies. For one thing, too much work gives rise to immunity deterioration, which causes many health problems. For another, free time/constructive pastime helps us live in a positive cycle.

  Therefore, what we should do is to find enough time to rest/develop our hobbies by finishing the task on time and arranging some beneficial activities off work. For example, regular exercise is a recommendable way to get relaxed. By doing exercises your body can produce a hormone that makes you recover from exhaustion. What’s more, you can transfer your focus from busy job by reading an interesting book or listening to a favorite song, thereby getting your intense nerves calm down.”


  People often say, “All works and no playing makes Jack a dull boy.” In other words, excessive works are harmful to us both physically and mentally. Therefore, how to balance work and leisure is of significance in our daily life.

  There are several measures which can make us achieve a balance between work and leisure. To begin with, it is advisable to make strategic decisions ahead of time. One should think of realistic goals to achieve at work or in the spare time, which can ensure the proper arrangement of one's time. Secondly, making efficient use of time is crucial in balancing work and leisure. After devoting enough energy in completing work assignments, one can get the difficult or important tasks done early. This helps guarantee oneself certain blocks of time to have fun.

  Life is shorter than what you expected. We should bear in mind that balancing work and leisure is necessary for our health. Only in this way can we enjoy our life.





  In recent years, an increasing number of students choose to attend college abroad, while some, financially challenging or not, still regard going to school at home as their first choice. It is obvious that this phenomenon has been the concern of many people. From my perspective of view, to study abroad has both benefits and drawbacks.

  There is no doubt that students are benefiting tremendously from attending college abroad. Those who study at a world famous university can not only broaden their horizons but also gain better job opportunities. As exposed to foreign cultures and customs, overseas students can immerse themselves in the nation’s language. As to studying abroad, certainly, some drawbacks does exist. First, living away from home can be challenging and even frustrating to some extent. Moreover, the language barrier may cause difficulties for students whose language skill is not good enough. In addition, some students even experience culture shock in the alien environment as a result of unfamiliarity and maladjustment.

  All in all, in order to achieve a colorful as well as meaningful experience in your life, students having the idea of studying abroad must be well prepared for all the possibilities they may encounter before making final decisions.







  The heated discussion about the best choice in selecting the major:humanities or science has never stopped in the past few years. Opinions on the topic vary greatly among people. Some believe that it is a better choice to acquire knowledge in science, but others consider it better to dig into the humanities.

  As for me, I totally agree with the former choice with the following reasons presented belo Initially, one of the most important reasons cited by people is that to major in science can not only improve one's logical thinking ability but also sharpen one's insight in daily routine, which is of great importance in one's growth. Additionally, acquiring scientific knowledge contributes greatly to one’s success in this world with rapid development of science and technology.

  From my perspective, it is crucial that modern education should encourage people to be practitioners. What's more, one of the most critical factors we should take into consideration is that people should understand the meaning and value of scientific knowledge. Only in this way can we achieve greater success.






  With the flourish of education industry, modern students are faced with more alternatives to continue their further education. Both attending a vocational college or a university serves as two main options for the high school graduates. In terms of which to choose and what to be taken into consideration, I shall advise as follows:

  Primarily, self-orientation matters the most when it comes to a issue like this. Obviously, the main task of vocational college is cultivating human resource with practical capability. Instead, university serves as the cradle of academic researchers in different areas. Therefore, being aware of your self-expectation with a clear future blueprint lays a foundation for this important decision.

  Apart from what has been mentioned above, personal interest also plays a key role in it. For both passion and motivation are derived from interest, which not only decide how far you can reach academically and professionally but also how happy and fulfilled you will be.

  To sum up, a clear recognition of self orientation and personal interest will decide whether you will tick the box of vocational college or university. Only in this way can we get the most out of the further education.






  12月  第一套:尊重别人

  As human beings, we all crave the respect of others, which is coded into our DNA. If you show your respect for others, you are more likely to gain their respect. Just as the saying goes, "Respect others, and you will be respected". It indicates the great significance of respecting others in our daily life.

  First and foremost, respecting others gives them confidence and encouragement, especially those who are not as good as you. Your respect can help them become upbeat and active, and even enhance their self-assurance. In addition, polite words help improve your interpersonal relationships to a large extent. As mentioned above, if your respect proves to be effective, people will show their respect for you, too, and it will benefit your social intercourse. Last but not least, respecting others is a symbol of high quality, which shows one's good upbringing.

  Taking what has been discussed into consideration, it's indisputable that all people are fond of being respected. It is so important for us to show our respect for others. Only in this way, can we earn the respect of others.


  A host of facts in our daily life have proved that lack of understanding is a critical factor leading to disagreement among people, which makes it difficult for people to be on friendly terms with others. That's why the phrase "mutual understanding" is emphasized. Just as the remark goes, "Seek to understand others, and you will be understood."

  The significance of mutual understanding cannot be underestimated. On the one hand, mutual understanding serves as a prerequisite for learning progress, career success and happy life. If we understand each other and are willing to reach agreement, we can be empowered to summon multi-forces to grease the wheels of everything. On the other hand, mutual understanding is the lubricant of human relations. For those who wish to build lasting relationships and achieve civilized intercourse, mutual understanding is a foolproof strategy.

  To sum up, mutual understanding is the basis of our relationships with others and we would be socially idiotic without it. To avoid this, all we need is our utmost effort to seek to understand others.


  When it comes to the topic of help, we are frequently told that, "Help others, and you will be helped when you are in need." Simple as the saying is, it implies the importance of helping others in need. What I learn from the remark, in short words, is that helping others is helping yourself.

  Examples can easily be found to make this point clearer. The story of the ant and the dove is a case in point. An ant slipped into the river when drinking along the river. A dove heard his cries for help and threw him a leaf, which helped the ant float back to the bank. After a few days, a hunter was raising his gun to the dove as she was building her nest. Seeing this, the ant ran quickly to bite the hunter's leg. The dove heard the hunter's scream and flew away.

  All in all, this example indicates that when we offer our help to others, we are leaving a way open for the future. Helping others is a virtue, and we should take some measures to carry forward this virtue and do others a favor. Only in this way can we build a loving and harmonious society.



  6月  第一套:网络学习

  Currently, an increasing numberofpeople begin to use Internet to take courses and acquire inelearning is booming all around the world. It is providingmany options withlearners in terms of time, locations, subjects andcosts.

  Online learning greatlypromoteslearners' studying efficiency and teachers' a result, updatedknowledge will reach those students in isolatedareas at a higher speed, whichcan make many of them keep pace withthe time. Additionally, students candecide their learning locationand time much more freely. Notably, because transportationandaccommodation will not trouble E-learners, learning cost will belargelylowered. These advantages might decrease the number ofpeople who routinelyattend schoollearning.

  From my point of view, personalinteractionbetween teachers and students in schools isirreplaceable. It is a good ideathat we combine E-learning andattending school together. Learning is not asimple multiple-choicequestion but an important issue that needs your tryingandinvolvement.


  It is held bysome people that knowledge is power,especially scientific and technologicalknowledge. Science andtechnology are the motive power of the socialdevelopment, whichconstitute a primary productive force. The use of robots istheproduce of development of science and technology.

  People’s viewson the use of robots vary from person toperson. Some hold that human life cannotcontinue without the use ofrobots. For many years, human society has developedwith the use ofscience and technology. So the lifewith the use of robots we areliving now is more efficient than thatof our fore fathers. They go on to pointout that the use of robotshas brought about many changes in people's life. Forexample,through the use of robots can improve the work efficiency andavoiddangerous events happening in our life in that we can requirerobots to do someworks with danger instead of humanbeings.

  Science andtechnology of robots are the crystallization ofhuman wisdom. It brought aglorious past to humanity, also willbring bright future to mankind.


  We have to admit that the impactoftechnology on society is unquestionable. Whetherconsidering the TV or thecomputers, technology has had a hugeimpact on society. While not every advancehas been beneficial,there have been many positive effects of technology. Theinternet isone typical example.

  With the development of science andtechnology, the worldis no longer what it used to be. But the ability ofcommunication isa significant skill which should be cultivated if we want tosurviveand succeed in the world. But the way of communication with peoplehaschanged dramatically. Almost everyone today has a computer, anduses it tocommunicate with their friends, family, and evenbusiness. The virtual worldcommunication has changed the way thatpeople communicate.

  Since communication between peoplein the real world is of utmost importance, lack of communicationwilllead to perish of human beings. Through communication in thereal world, mutualunderstanding can be promoted and fosteredbetween people, which cannot bereplaced by the virtualcommunication.

  12月  第一套:创新

  It is universally acknowledged that innovation refers to being creative, unique and different. In fact, today it is impossibly difficult for us to image a 21st century without innovation.

  We should place a high value on innovation firstly because innovative spirit can enable an individual to ameliorate himself, so he can be equipped with capacity to see what others cannot see, be qualified for future career promotion, and be ready for meeting the forthcoming challenges. What’s more, we ought to attach importance to the role played by innovation in economic advancement. Put it another way, in this ever-changing world, innovation to economic growth is what water is to fish. To sum up, if innovation misses our attention in any possible way, we will suffer a great loss beyond imagination.

  In order to encourage innovation, it is wise for us to take some feasible measures. For example, mass media should greatly publicize the significance of creative spirit and encourage the public to cultivate awareness of innovation. Besides, those who manage to innovate should be awarded generous prize. Though there is a long way ahead to go, I am firmly certain that the shared efforts will be paid off.


  In accordance to the definition in Oxford Dictionary, creation refers to the act or process of making something that is new, or of causing something to exist that did not exist fact, today it is impossibly difficult for us to image a 21st century without creation .

  We should place a high value on creationfirstly because creativespirit can enable an individual to ameliorate himself, so he can be equipped with capacity to see what others cannot see, be qualified for future career promotion, and be ready for meeting the forthcoming challenges. What’s more, we ought to attach importance to the role played by creationin economic advancement. Put it another way, in this ever-changing world, creationto economic growth is what water is to fish. To sum up, if creationmisses our attention in any possible way, we will suffer a great loss beyond imagination.

  In order to encourage creation, it is wise for us to take some feasible measures. For example, mass media should greatly publicize the significance of creativity and encourage the public to cultivate awareness of creation. Besides, those who manage to create should be awarded generous prize. Though there is a long way ahead to go, I am firmly certain that the shared efforts will be paid off.


  Of all the elements that promote the development of our society, perhaps the most far-reaching has been invention. It is difficult to the point of impossibility for people to imagine a time without invention because it is the invention that enhances our society in all aspects.

  Invention indeed plays an essential role in our life. Had it not been for it, we could not have lived in a modern society. Invention is momentous and fundamental to people what the soul is vital and significant to us. Given this, what can we do to cultivate this precious spirit ?

  The measures, to my mind, are listed as following. To begin with, the authorities concerned should set up favorable laws and regulations to encourage example, we can set up the practice of giving premiums to inventors. What is more, the public are expected to realize the significance of invention, so that they can try their best to invent things. Last but not least, the press should place more value on invention. Though there is a long way to go, I firmly believe that our combined efforts will be rewarded at last.



  6  第一套:

  For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying “Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.” You can cite one example or two to illustrate your point of vie You should write at least 150 but no more than 200 words.


  Nowadays almost every person has a clear notion about the importance of knowledge, with which we can make great difference to our world. However, the contribution of practice should also be awarded.

  Practice is considered significant because it can turn abstract ideas into tangible results. Only through practice can we truly develop our own understanding about the essence of the new knowledge, or else the treasure of knowledge would still be words printed on papers. Moreover, the vilification of new theories requires us to focus more on the practical side, which helps people to learn better compared with the mechanical way of reading and memorizing. In addition, practice makes people acquire information in an active way, thus more innovative thoughts are likely to be generated in the process and then applied to make our future life more exciting.

  As far as I am concerned, practice is essential for people to understand, to review and to optimize the information we receive. It is practice that produces enjoyable life and makes knowledge truly valuable.


  For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on Albert Einstein’s remark “I have no special talents, I am only passionately curious.” You can cite one example or two to illustrate your point of vie You should write at least 150 but no more than 200 words.


  The above saying from Einstein vividly echoes a piece of quotation: stay hungry; stay foolish, which is put forward by Steven Jobs, the late CEO of Apple Inc. Undoubtedly, both of the two great men attach importance to curiosity. To some extent, we may safely maintain that without curiosity, without success.

  In the first place, curiosity is the premise of innovation, which can be seen as the key to success. Besides Einstein, a case in point is Steven Jobs, who always keeps curious, devoted to innovation. So, there is no exaggeration to say that the success of Apple Inc doesn’t suppress us at all. In the second place, the quality of being curious provides us with the drive to go forward. To put it another way, where there is curiosity, there is advancement. For example, if a scientist desires to make progress in his research community, he must hold a curious heart; otherwise, his research will eventually go into a corner.

  In conclusion, it is not too much to say that curiosity plays an indispensable role both in personal and corporate success. So, it is wise for us to bear in mind great men’s sayings concerning curiosity and practice them as much as possible.


  For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying “If you cannot do great things,do small things in a great way.” You can cite one example or two to illustrate your point of vie You should write at least 150 but no more than 200 words.


  There is no doubt that many people want to be great and successful, but only a few can climb to the top and be admired by the world. However, it doesn’t mean that most of us are losers. Actually everyone can achieve high by doing small things in a great way.

  We have to admit that there is something that we cannot accomplish right now, but it isn’t the excuse for us to stop trying. Being great needs time and patience, so only when all small accomplishments add up can many impossibilities gradually turn to possibilities. At least, one won’t regret for not making effort to achieve the goal. For example, one may doesn’t have the resources or training on how to be a world-class musician, but by constant practice of every short piece of music, he can still bring happiness, comfort and inspiration to his family members and friends, then this person is great in the eyes of the audiences.

  Therefore, never cease the pace on the road to our dreams. As long as we stick to our goal and be serious to whatever related to it, we can be considered as great.

  12  第一套:


  As is graphicallyrevealed in the cartoon, a few employees are holding a conference in themeeting room equipped with advanced devices. However, the moststriking feature of the drawing is that the man in the center, whoseems like a manager, says that they have lots of informationtechnology, while useful information is badly needed. Simple as theillustration seems, it discloses a serious problem that it israther hard to obtain helpful information in the highly modernizedsociety.

  A multitude of reasonscan account for the phenomenon. On the one hand, it can bepartially due to the fact that the modern technology has beendeveloping at an incredible speed, which provides a booming amountof information and it is difficult to tell the right from thewrong. On the other hand, it is also because the restriction aboutspreading information on the Internet is far from perfect, makingit difficult to get rid of the problem effectively andfundamentally.

  From my perspective,it is high time that we transferred our focus from developingtechnology to searching for something helpful. Only in this way canwe acquire what we literally need.



  The cartoon, vivid and explicit, unfolds a sense to us, in which a woman, who stands by the door, makes a cup of coffee for her husband. However, the most striking feature of the drawing is that the husband, working in front of a computer, says that he feels unfortunate to live in a world with so much misleading information. Simple as the illustration seems, it discloses a serious problem that it is rather hard to obtain useful and helpful information in the highly modernized society.

  Harmful are the impacts of the phenomenon and I would like to explore the following aspects. For one thing, by no means can we deny that nothing poses a greater threat to a corporation's strategy of development than the misleading information, the harm of which can never be ignored. For another, this kind of cheat also makes it impossible for individuals, especially adolescents, to tell the right from the wrong.

  From my perspective, it is high time that the authorities concerned established relevant regulations to better the environment of the virtual world. Only in this way can both people and our country benefit a lot from the development of high technology.



  Graphically revealed in this cartoon is that two youngsters are having a conversation. However, the most striking feature of it is that the man on the leftis saying without hesitation that he loves reading and his favorite book is Facebook. Apparently, the purpose of this cartoon unfolds a conspicuous fact that social networking websites exert adverse impacts on our reading. Several factors can be responsible for this phenomenon. For one thing, with our science and economy enhanced remarkably, people in growing numbers tend to share their moments of life on social networks, and therefore, it is difficult for us to concentrate on what we want to read. For another, there are various kinds of information on the internet, and as a result, they may be easily distracted by other information so much that they may ignore what they are really interested in.

  To sum up, social network websites may pose a potential and probable threat to our reading. We are supposed to spend more time on reading paper books instead of staying on the social networking websites. Only in this way can we gradually terminate the negative influence of social networking websites.


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