一周年纪念日英文有哪些 一周年纪念英文怎么写




  1.深情不及久伴,厚爱无需多言,结婚纪念日快乐!Affectionate for a long time, love without words, happy wedding anniversary!

  2.一生一世执子手,不离不弃共白头。I will hold hands for the rest of my life, and I will never give up.

  3.你永远还都是世界上第二幸福的人,因为第一幸福的人是我。You are always the second most happy person in the world, because the first happy person is me.

  4.神说,每个人都是一个半圆,这一生都在寻觅另一个半圆,我找到了,那就是你。God said that everyone is a semi-circle. This life is looking for another semi-circle. I found it, and that is you.

  5.感恩我们一起走过的每一天,没有太多矫情的话,只愿我们不忘初心,时光不负你我。结婚纪念日快乐!Grateful that every day we walked together, there is not much temperament, we only hope that we will not forget the original heart, time does not bear you and me. Happy wedding anniversary!

  6.两个人在一起最好的状态,无非就是多年以后你扔宠我像个孩子。承蒙时光不弃,你一直在,我一直爱。The best state of two people together is nothing more than a year after you throw a pet like a child. I dont give up, you have been, I have always loved


  1、Our story should be the most moving, the most real, because we love without any of the original impulse, we really need each others care!


  2、 I love you even through the numerous hills and streams, as sure as a gun, not the myriads of changes. The hearts of thousands and thousands of words to you, time and again, and you may spend long years.


  3、Although the seas run dry and the rocks crumble away into the legend, Delaotianhuang slim as a myth, modern love day by day of silence, is also a day to burnout, I firmly believe that: there is love in the world of mortals, through the ages as one!


  4、I love life, only pure hope, only a stable and slow growth, like the days of rinsing off color, like the intention to sing songs, more like and this text do a lifetime partner.


  5、The road is a step by step. Love is back at one point one. Life is such a page a page is really real live! I cherish my life, more cherish you


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