清明节的英语词汇 清明节有关的英语单词和句子




  Tomb-sweeping Day/Tomb Sweeping Festival/All Souls' Day 清明节

  offer sacrifices to ancestors 祭祖/上供

  hell note/ joss paper 纸钱

  funeral supplies/products 殡葬用品

  burn incense 焚香

  tomb-sweeping 扫墓

  tomb sweeper 扫墓的人

  kite flying 放风筝

  spring outing 踏青

  memorial tablet 纪念碑

  mourning ceremony 哀悼仪式

  filial piety 孝顺 孝心

  day of sacrifice 祭祀节日

  condolence 哀悼之情

  hell note/joss paper 纸钱

  funeral services 殡葬服务业

  mortician 殡仪业者

  god's lantern 神灯

  willow branches ed on each gate 门旁插柳

  cremation urn 骨灰盒

  inhumation 土葬

  cremation 火葬

  sea-burial 海葬

  boat-coffin burial 船棺葬

  tree burial 树葬

  flower burials 花葬

  Day of the Dead(亡灵节,墨西哥传统节日,人们通过守灵、上供等方式祭奠逝去的亲人。)

  Monument 纪念碑

  Online funeral 网上葬礼

  Online tribute 网上悼念

  National mourning 全国哀悼

  National mourning day 全国哀悼日


  In memory/remembrance of以纪念,以缅怀

  Mourn for悼念、哀悼

  Honour the memory of缅怀

  Sweep the tomb扫墓


  b-sweeping Day;(这个是最普遍的说法)

  gming Festival;

  e Brightness Festival

   Souls' Day


  为什么我们在清明节要扫墓啊 ?

  Why must we go and sweep the tomb on Tomb Sweeping Day?


  In early April, we went to sweep the martyrs' graves.


  Do you have holidays on Tomb Sweeping Festival?


  Tomb-sweeping day is an important day for chinese.


  Write the tomb-sweeping day special atmosphere.


  We have three days free on Tomb-sweeping Day.


  The Qingming Festival is a statutory public holiday in mainland China.


  Over time, Hanshi Day was replaced with tomb-sweeping day.


  It reopened to former residents during Qingming, or tomb-sweeping day, in April.


  In this Tomb Sweeping Day for memorizing the deceased, people nevertheless sensed more of the power of life and showed great concern to their compatriots and great compliment to our state’s rescue.


  The Qingming Festival in spring is the occasion for visiting ancestral graves.


  According to our traditions and customs, flying kites usually happen at the QingMing Festival.


  Folk customs like climbing a mountain during the Double Ninth Festival orcleaning the tombs during the Qingming Festival deserve to be remembered asthey are integral part of the Chinese heritage.


  Qing Ming is a time to remember the dead and the dearly departed.


  How do people celebrate Qingming Featival?


  As millions paused to honor their ancestors during the annual Tomb-Sweeping Festival, the increasing cost of cemetery plots and funerals has become a focusof national anger.


  Monday was China's traditional "Tomb-Sweeping Day", when people mourn theirdead.


  Qingming Day, the traditional tomb-sweeping day, falls on April 4-6 each year.


  People around China commemorated deceased relatives and friends as theQingming Festival begins。

  清明节相关英文表达  1、清明节的介绍



  作为节日的清明节一般翻译为"Tomb Sweeping festival"或者"Tomb-sweeping Day",扫墓节或扫墓日。



  Solar term: 节气


  It is the 15th day after the Spring Equinox, either 4 or 5 April in a given year. 它是春分后的第15天,是4月4号或者5号。


  sweep the tomb 扫墓

  burn joss paper 烧纸钱

  visit the cemetery 去墓园

  pay respect to remember them 追思故人

  We need burn joss paper and sweep the tomb on the Tomb-sweeping Day.




  pass away 去世

  be gone 过世

  be left 离世

  I lost someone 失去了某人

  someone is in a better place 去了更好的地方

  rest in peace 安息

  国外现在很多人不再称葬礼为 funeral,而是用下面这个短语来换个角度看待死亡:a celebration of life 生命的仪式,更显尊重。



  Filial piety 孝道

  Pious 恭敬

  但是并不常用,要表示 “孝顺”,不如这么说:

  Respect your parents 孝顺父母

  Honor your parents 尊敬父母,重视父母

  Be big on family 重视家庭

  Family guys 把家庭看的很重的人(一般指男性)


  Green rice ball 青团

  San zi 馓子

  Thin pancake 薄饼

  Spring onion and omelette 大葱和蛋饼

  Cudweed herb rolls 清明果

  Steamed rice with leaf mustard 芥菜蒸饭

  Zitui bun 子推馍

  Ai ban 艾粄

  Green rice ball 青团

  People in the Jiangnan region often eat this kind of green colored balls made from glutinous rice on Tomb Sweeping Day. The green color is from the juice of brome grass that is added in the rice.


  ①San zi 馓子

  In both Northern and Southern China, it is a tradition to eat san zi, or fried dough twist, on Tomb Sweeping Day. The differences between san zi made by Northern and Southern people lie in sizes and materials. The former one is larger, often made from wheat and the latter is finer and made from rice.


  ②Thin pancake 薄饼

  People in Xiamen in Fujian province often have thin pancakes on Tomb Sweeping Day. Dried seaweed, omelette, veggies and chili sauce are added in the pancakes to enhance the flavor.


  ③Spring onion and omelette大葱和蛋饼

  On Tomb Sweeping Day, there is a tradition to eat spring onion and omelette in Qingdao in Shandong province. People believe these two kinds of food can improve eyesight and make eyes brighter. In old times, pupils often send eggs to their teachers to show respect on the day.


  ④Cudweed herb rolls 清明果

  The best time to pick fresh cudweed herb is around Tomb Sweeping Day. The herb is often added in veggie rolls or dumplings and consumed on the day. In South China, people add the wild plant also in steamed buns.


  ⑤Steamed rice with leaf mustard芥菜蒸米饭

  In many places in eastern Fujian province, people often steamed rice with leaf mustard on Tomb Sweeping Day to prevent scabies and other skin diseases.


  ⑥Zitui bun 子推馍

  The steamed bun is named after Jie Zitui, a famous hermit of the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476BC). Often each Zitun bun weighs 0.5kg and many colorful dough animals and flowers are decorated on the bun. Eggs and jujubes are added inside the bun to increase the sweetness. People in northern Shaanxi province have the tradition to eat this kind of bun on Tomb Sweeping Day.


  ⑦Ai ban 艾粄

  To Hakka people in China, ai ban, rice dumplings made from worm wood and rice, is a necessary dish on Tomb Sweeping Day. They blend wormwood paste and glutinous rice powder together and add sesame, peanuts and black-eyed beans. After steaming the dumplings for 15-20 minutes, the food is ready.


  7、名诗 Famous poetry——许渊冲 译本




  A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day.


  The mourner's heart is breaking on his way.


  Where can a winehouse be found to drown his sad hours?


  A cowherd points to a cot mid apricot flowers.


  "Qingming festival"


  (song) Wang Yuqiao


  No flower no after the tomb-sweeping day, fun, bare like wild monk.


  Begging for new fire next door yesterday, xiao window and reading lamp.

  8、清明节起源 Origin

  Qing Ming is popularly associated with Jie Zitui, who lived in Shanxi province in 600 B.C. Legend has it that Jie saved his starving lord's life by serving a piece of his own leg. When the lord succeeded in becoming the ruler of a small principality, he invited his faithful follower to join him. However, Jie declined his invitation, preferring to lead a hermit's life with his mother in the mountains.


  Believing that he could force Jie out by burning the mountain, the lord ordered his men to set the forest on fire. To his consternation, Jie chose to remain where he was and was burnt to death. To commemorate Jie, the lord ordered all fires in every home to be put out on the anniversary of Jie's death. Thus began the "cold food feast", a day when no food could be cooked since no fire could be lit.


  The "cold food" festival occurs on the eve of Qing Ming and is often considered as part of the Qing Ming festival. As time passes, the Qing Ming festival replaced the "cold food" festival. Whatever practice is observed,the basic observation of Qing Ming is to remember one's elders by making a special effort to visit their graves, ashes or ancestral tablets. To make the visit even more meaningful, some time should be spent to remind the younger members of the family of the lives and contributions of their ancestors, and the story of Jie Zitui who choose death over capitulation.


  9、习俗 Custom

  清明节的习俗是丰富有趣的,除了讲究禁火、扫墓,还有踏青、荡秋千、蹴鞠、打马球、插 柳等一系列风俗体育活动。相传这是因为清明节要寒食禁火,为了防止寒食冷餐伤身,所以大家来参加一些体育活动,以锻炼身体。因此,这个节日中既有祭扫新坟 生别死离的悲酸泪,又有踏青游玩的欢笑声,是一个富有特色的节日。

  The custom of the qingming festival is richinteresting, in addition to pay attention to the fire, the grave, and outing,swing, a game called cuju, play polo, ed liu and so on a series ofcustoms sports activities. This is because tomb-sweeping day to people from thefire, in order to prevent a cold buffet injury body, so everyone to take partin some of the sports activities, and to exercise. Therefore, this festivalboth JiSao new born from the grave don't dead BeiSuan tears, and visit outinglaughter, is a rich characteristic holiday.


  But, as a clear festival, and pure solar termand different. Solar term is our country phenology, seasonal change of theorder of symbol, and the festival is contains certain custom of commemoration.


  Ching Ming festival is a traditionalChinese festival, is also the most important sacrifice holiday, is the day ofworship their ancestors and the grave. The grave commonly known as ShangFen,the sacrifices of the dead an activity. The han nationality and some minorityare mostly in the ching Ming festival the grave.

  按照旧的习俗,扫墓时,人们要携带酒食果品、纸钱等物品到墓地,将食物供祭在亲人墓前,再将纸钱焚化,为坟墓培上新土,折几枝嫩绿的新枝插在坟上,然后叩头 行礼祭拜,最后吃掉酒食回家。唐代诗人杜牧的诗《清明》:“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。借问酒家何处有?牧童遥指杏花村。”写出了清明节的特殊气 氛。

  According to the old tradition, the grave,people to carry goods such as especially fruit, paper money to the cemetery,will be food for offering in the tomb of loved ones, then the deadincineration, grave earthed up new soil, fold a few branches of the 60-footgreen ed in a grave, and then KouTou worship salute, finally eatespecially home. The poets in tang dynasty DuMu poem 'painting' :'ugh rain in succession, pedestrian rains fall heavily as qingmingcomes JieWen restaurant where you have. The most ambitious almond flowers?Village.' Write the tomb-sweeping day special atmosphere.

  ①Tomb Sweeping 扫墓

  The major custom in Qingming Festival is tomb sweeping. On this day, people visit their family graves to remove any underbrush that has grown. They would uproot weeds near the gravesites, wipe the tombstones and decorate the tombstones with fresh flowers. And then they will set out offerings of food and paper money.


  ②Spring Outing 春游、踏青

  Not only it is a day for commemorating the dead, is it also a festival for people to enjoy themselves. During March, everything in nature takes on a new look, as trees turn green, flowers blossom, and the sun shines brightly. It is a fine time to go out and to appreciate the beautiful scenes of nature during the festival. Spring outings not only add joy to life but also promote a healthy body and mind.


  ③Flying Kites 放风筝

  Flying kites is an activity favored by many people during the Qingming Festival. Kites are not only flown at day time but also in the evening. Little lanterns are tied to the kite or to the string that holds the kite. And when the kite is flying in the sky, the lanterns look like twinkling stars that add unique scenery to the sky during the night. What makes flying kites during this festival special is that people cut the string while the kite is in the sky to let it fly free. It is said that this brings good luck and that diseases can be eliminated by doing this.


  ④Planting Willow Trees 插柳

  Because Jie Zitui died embracing a willow tree, the willow is believed to have miraculous powers against evil. During the Qingming Festival, willow branches are hung on door fronts and used to sweep the tombs.


  ⑤Swinging 荡秋千

  During the Ming Dynasty, swinging was a designated recreation on Tomb Sweeping Festival. According to the Annals of the Ming Court, this day was also called Swing Festival, when swings were suspended in the Hall of the Forbidden City and in all the residential complexes where palace ladies resided. Ladies of the imperial household wore colorful silks especially made for the occasion, and amused themselves on swings.



  China has a long history of more than 5,000 years, so the variety of culture has been preserved. These meaningful cultures are treated as our national treasure. In order to remember them, the government has named the official holiday. Tomb-sweeping Day is one of the meaningful festivals. People have days’ off every year and the families will get together, sweeping their ancestors’ tombs. People believe that they do this can bring good luck, because their ancestors will bless them. Some people question the meaning of this festival, because they think people are superstitious. As for me, I think this day teaches people to in honor of their ancestors and respect the culture. It is not something about superstition, but about showing respect to the culture. We need to pass on our culture from generations, or we will lose our national treasure.


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