年终总结英语怎么说 年终总结的英文缩写



  Year-end summary  年终总结双语例句

  1. 理想的年终总结应该全都是关于该员工的个人发展。

  Ideally, the year-end review is all about the employee's development.

  2. 20**年我编辑了一些有点不同寻常的东西来作为年终总结:一张你可能错过了的好消息清单。

  I ended 20**by compiling something slightly unusual: a list of some of the good news you might have missed.

  3. 我这份大二学期的年终总结,主要写的是和朋友们在一起的欢乐时光。

  My year-end report in sophomore year was mainly about having fun with my friends.

  4. 增加自己的可信赖度,对所有人而言,年终总结过程都会更有效率。

  Work on your trustworthiness to make the review process more productive for all concerned.

  5. 年终总结会帮你重新找到重点。

  Doing so helps you to regain focus.

  6. 最后,年终总结会帮你从一个高起点开始下一年的工作和生活。

  Last but not least, your annual review will help you to start the next year on a high note.

  7. 这篇专栏文章讨论的'就是如何做年终总结。

  This column addresses giving a revie

  8. 这份年终总结的另一个好处在于你可以把其中一部分的分析用于更新你的简历,如果你不是一直在更新的话。

  Another benefit from completing this year-end review is that the results from part of the analysis should assist you in updating your resume if you have not been keeping it current as the year progressed.

  9. 年终总结为什么这么重要?

  So why is it important to do a year end review?

  10. 年终总结,管理人员通常会因为个人的心理挑战而绕过理想的个人发展重心。

  Managers commonly get derailed from the ideal developmental focus in year-end reviews by their own personal psychological challenges.

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