



  Art in the classroom has great beneficial effects on student learning by stimulating multiple intelligences. Art education helps students form creative thinking as well as enhance their cognitive ability. Creating a school environment rich in arts can cultivate students’ morality and result in their heightened desires for knowledge and studying. Obviously, the power of art keeps students more focused. Also, for younger people who have difficulties in verbalizing their thoughts, art serves an effective way of expressing their ideas. Art, in this case, could create an easier way of learning new things. Art could serve as a bridge for students to learn new things. With the help of vivid paintings and catchy songs, study can be much more fun and knowledge can be more easily attainable for the young generation.

  - 托福写作素材Words and Phrases -

  ① stimulate multiple intelligences 激发多种智力

  ✎ Person­-to-­person interactions are important to stimulate children’s multiple intelligences and to spark inspiration in, and from, their parents.

  ② form creative thinking 形成创造性的'思维

  ✎ In such a process, players are likely to form creative thinking that can be adopted to solve practical problems in their work and everyday life.

  ③ enhance one’s cognitive ability 提高认知能力

  ✎ Body movements that are connected to emotions tend to enhance one’s cognitive ability.

  ④ verbalize 以言语表达

  ✎ difficult to verbalize one’s pain experiences

  - 托福写作素材话题词汇 -

  受过教育的 literate

  文盲 illiterate

  基础教育 basic education

  素质教育 well-rounded education

  终身教育 lifelong education

  对知识的渴望 hunger for knowledge

  熟练掌握不同的语言 proficient in/master different languages

  借鉴别人的经验 draw on other’s experience

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