

  have need to do sth.          必须做某事

  have no business          没有权力或理由做某事

  have no lack of          不缺乏

  have notice of          接到通知

  have on          穿着;有事;进行

  have one's day          走运;正在得意的时候

  have one's moment          走红;得意

  have only to          只要…就能

  have out          将…除去

  have respect for          尊重;考虑

  have sth. to do with          和…有关;和…打交道

  have to do with          与…有关;和…打交道

  have to          不得不;必须

  have trouble with          同…闹纠纷

  have up          把某人请来作客

  head first          头向前地;冒冒失失地

  head for          朝…方向走去

  head off          绕到前面去;拦住

  head on          迎面地,正面地

  head up          在…上加盖子

  hear from          接到…的信

  hear of          听到,听说

  hear sb. out          听某人把话讲完

  heart and soul          全心全意(地)

  heart and soul          全心全意地,完全地

  heart to heart          坦率地

  help forward          促进,鼓励

  help oneself          自取所需(食物等)

  help sb. out          帮助,帮忙

  help sb. with sth.          在…帮助某人

  here and now          此时此地

  here and there          到处,各处;偶然

  hold back          踌躇,退缩不前,阻止

  hold down          压制;抑制(热情等)

  hold forth          给予,提供

  hold in          约束,抑制

  hold off          不接近;拖延;迟疑

  hold office          担任公职

  hold on to          紧紧抓住;控制,克制

  hold on          握住不放;坚持下去

  hold one's breath          (由于激动等原因)屏息

  hold one's own          坚守住,不被打败

  hold oneself in          尽力不叫

  hold out          伸出;坚持;支持

  hold over          将…延迟;期满后继任

  hold true          适用,有效

  hold up          举起;耽搁;抢劫

  hold water          (容器等)盛得住水

  hold with          同意,赞成;原谅

  hold...against          记恨

  How about?          …如何?…怎么样?

  hunt for          搜寻;寻找;追猎

  hurry up['h2ri 3p](使)赶快;迅速完成

  identify with          认为…等同于

  if any          若有的话

  if necessary          如果必要的话

  if only          只要;要是…就好

  impact on          对…冲击,碰撞;影响

  improve on          对…作出改进;超过

  in a hurry          匆忙;立即,很快地

  in a moment          立即,立刻

  in a sense          从某种意义上说

  in a way          在某种程度上

  in a word          总而言之,总之

  in accordance with          与…一致;按照,根据

  in addition to          除…之外(还有)

  in addition          另外

  in advance of          在…的前面;超过

  in advance          在前面;预先

  in all directions          向四面八方

  in all          总共,共计

  in and out          进进出出

  in any case          不管怎样

  in any case          无论如何,总之

  in any event          不管怎样,无论如何

  in brief          简言之;以简洁的形式

  in case of          假如,万一…

  in case          假如;免得

  in charge of          主管,掌管,照管

  in charge          主管;在…掌管之下

  in common          共用,公有,共同

  in comparison with          与…比较

  in consequence of          由于…的缘故

  in consequence          结果是,因此

  in course of          正在…中

  in danger          在危险中,垂危

  in debt to sb.          欠某人的债

  in debt to sb.          欠债,欠情

  in detail          详细地

  in difficulties          处境困难

  in doing so          这样做时,在这情况下

  in due course          及时地,在适当的时候

  in due course          在适当的时候

  in effect          实际上;正实行中

  in error          弄错了的;错误地

  in every way          在各方面,以各种方式

  in excess of          超过

  in exchange for          交换

  in face of          面对;纵然,即使

  in fact          其实,实际上

  in faith          确实,的确

  in favour of          赞成,支持;有利于

  in focus          焦点对准;清晰

  in force          (法律)有效的;大批地

  in front of          在…前面,面对

  in full charge          负全责;勇猛向前

  in full swing          活跃;正在全力进行

  in full          充足,十足

  in future          今后,以后

  in general          通常,一般地说

  in good health          身体好

  in half          成两半

  in hand          现有在手头;在进行中

  in itself          本质上,就其本身而言

  in light of          按照,根据;鉴于

  in line with          跟…一致;符合

  in line          成一直线;整齐;一致

  in memory of          纪念…

  in nature          性质上;实际上

  in no case          决不,无论如何不

  in no time          立即,立刻;马上

  in no way          决不,一点也不

  in one's honour          向…表示敬意

  in order that          以便,为了…

  in order to          以便,以…为目的

  in order          整齐;状况良好

  in other words          换句话说,也就是说

  in part          在某种程度上;部份地

  in particular          特别,尤其;详细地

  in person          亲自;身体上;外貌上

  in place of          代替

  in place          在适当的`位置;适当的

  in point of          实际上,就事实而论

  in practice          在实践中

  in proportion to          与…成比例;与…相称

  in public          公开地,当众

  in quantity          大量

  in question          正在谈论的

  in regard to[ri'ga:d]关于

  in relation to          关于,有关;与…相比

  in respect that          因为,考虑到

  in return for          作为…的交换

  in return          作为回报,作为报答

  in school          在求学

  in search of          寻找;寻求

  in season          (水果等)应时的

  in secret          秘密地,私下地

  in session          在开会;在开庭

  in shape          处于良好(或固有)状态

  in short          总之,总而言之

  in sight          被见到,看得见;在望

  in so far as          (程度等)就…;至于

  in some ways          在某种程度上

  in spite of          尽管;不顾;虽然

  in step          协调;同步;合拍

  in stock          在贮存中;现有,备有

  in support of          支援;支持;拥护

  in tears          流着泪;含泪哭

  in terms of          根据;以…的措词

  in that          既然;因为

  in the air          在空中;未定

  in the case of          就…来说;至于

  in the course of          在…期间,在…过程中

  in the dark          在黑暗中;秘密地

  in the direction of          向…方向,在…方向

  in the disguise of          假扮成;托辞

  in the distance          在远处,远方的

  in the end          最后,终于

  in the event of          如果…发生,万一

  in the event that          如果,万一的

  in the first place          起初,本来;首先

  in the future          将来

  in the heat of          在(辩论)最激烈的时候

  in the interest of          为了…的利益,为了

  in the issue          结果,结局

  in the least          一点(也不),丝毫(不)

  in the least          一点,丝毫

  in the long run          从长远来看,最后

  in the main          基本上,大体上

  in the mass          总体上,一般地

  in the mass          总体上,整个儿地

  in the name of          以…的名义;代表

  in the nature of          具有…的性质的

  in the negative          否定地,否决

  in the open          在户外;在露天

  in the past          在过去

  in the shape of          呈…的形状

  in the way of          妨碍;在…方面,关于

  in the way          挡道的,妨碍人的

  in the world          究竟,到底;天下

  in this case          既然是这样

  in time          及时,适时;还早

  in touch          联系,接触

  in truth          事实上,的确

  in turn          依次,轮流

  in use          在使用着

  in vain          徒劳,白辛苦;轻慢

  in view of          鉴于,考虑到;由于

  inquire about          询问,打听

  inquire after          问起(某人)的健康情况

  inquire for          询问(商店、地点等)

  instead of          代替;而不是…

  interfere in          干涉,干预

  interfere with          打扰(某人),妨碍

  interfere with          妨碍;打扰

  issue from          由…引起;产生于

  jet lag          时差反应

  join hands with          互相合作,携起手来

  join in          参加(活动)

  join up          参军,入伍;联合起来

  judging by          从…判断

  jump at          急忙接受,立即抓住

  jump off          开始,开始进攻

  jump sb. out          叱责某人

  jump the queue          不按次序排队;加塞

  just about          差不多,几乎

  just as          正象;正当…的时候

  just now          现在,眼下;刚才

  just the same          完全一样

  just yet          恰好现在

  keep an eye on          照看;留意

  keep an eye on          注意,监视

  keep at          坚持(做);使不停地做

  keep away          站开;使离开

  keep back          留在后面;阻止;隐瞒

  keep clear of          不接触;避开

  keep company with          和…交往

  keep company with          与…交往;和…亲热

  keep down          控制;压服;缩减开支

  keep early hours          早睡早起

  keep faith          守信,忠于信仰

  keep friends with          与…保持友好

  keep from          阻止;使免于;隐瞒

  keep house          管理家务;做家务

  keep in mind          记住

  keep in touch with          和…保持联系

  keep in touch          保持联系

  keep off          避开;不让…接近

  keep on good terms          保持友好关系

  keep on          继续进行,反复地做

  keep one's balance          保持(身体)平衡

  keep one's eyes open          留心看着;保持警惕

  keep one's eyes open          留心看着;保持警惕

  keep one's head          保持镇静

  keep one's mind on          专心于

  keep one's temper          忍住性子

  keep one's word          守信用,遵守诺言

  keep out of          躲开,(使)置身…之外

  keep pace with          与…齐步前进

  keep pace with          与…齐步前进

  keep silence          保持沉默,不讲话

  keep sth. secret          把某事保守秘密

  keep terms with sb.          同某人交往

  keep to oneself          保守秘密,不与人来往

  keep to          坚持;固守(习惯等)

  keep to          坚持;固守(习惯等)

  keep track          通晓事态,注意动向

  keep under          压制;控制

  keep up with          跟上,不落后

  keep up          继续;坚持,维持

  kill off          消灭,杀光

  kind of          (状语)有点儿,有几分

  knock down          撞倒;击落;拆除

  knock off          把…敲掉;击倒;停工

  knock out          敲空;(拳击中)击倒

  knock up against          碰撞;同…冲突

  know about          了解,知道…的情况

  know better than          很懂得(而不至于)

  know no bounds          无限,极为

  know sb. by name          只知道某人的名字

  labour along          缓慢而费力地前进

  laugh at          因…而发笑;嘲笑

  laugh off          用笑摆脱(困境等)

  laugh over          笑着谈论

  launch out          (船)下水;开始新事情

  lay aside          把…放在一边;储存

  lay down          放下;铺设(铁路)

  lay hold of          握住;控制住;占有

  lay in          贮存,贮藏

  lay off          停止;(临时)解雇

  lay out          花费;布置;摆开

  lay over          使延期

  lay over          涂,覆盖;压倒

  lay to          把(功、过)归于

  lay up          贮存,储蓄;暂停使用

  lay waste          损毁,蹂躏

  lead off          开始,开头,率先

  lead the way          引路,带路;示范

  lead to          通向,导致;引起

  lead up to          把…一直带领到;导致

  lead up to          逐渐导致

  learn by heart          记住,背诵

  learn from          学习,向…学习

  learn of          听到;获悉…的事

  learn off          记熟,背下来

  leave alone          不管,不理会;不打扰

  leave alone          听其自然,不要去管

  leave behind          丢弃;留下;忘记携带

  leave in the air          搁置,使悬而未决

  leave off          (使)停止;停下来

  leave out          忽略,遗漏;省略

  let alone          不干涉;不碰

  let down          放下;降低;使…失望

  let go          放开;释放;发射

  let in          让…进入;放…出来

  let loose          放松,放开;放出

  let off          放(炮);开(枪);宽恕

  let oneself go          尽情;忘乎所以

  let out          放掉(水等),发出

  let pass          放过,不追究

  let sb. into          让…知道

  let slide          对…漫不经心

  let up          减小;(雨等)渐渐停止

  lie down          躺下;(故意)躺下不干

  lie in          在于;分娩;睡懒觉

  lie on          依赖;压迫;折磨(人)

  lie over          等待以后处理

  lie up          卧床;(船)入坞

  light up          照亮;点(烟)

  like any thing          象什么似地;拼命地

  limber up          使柔软;柔和一下身体

  line up          排队,使排成一行

  link up          把…连(衔)接起来

  listen for          等着听…(的声音)

  listen into          收听;监听;偷听

  listen to          听,倾听

  little by little          一点一点地,逐渐地

  live off          住在…之外;靠…生活

  live on          靠…生活;以…为食

  live out          活过(某一段时间)

  live through          经历过;度过;经受住

  live up to          无愧于;做到;符合

  live with          接受;忍受;承认

  lock oneself in          把自己关在里面

  lock out          把…关在外面

  long before          在…以前很久

  long for          渴望

  long since          很久以前

  long since          很久以前;很久以来

  look after['a:ft2]照顾;目送;负责处理

  look at          看着;注视;察看

  look back          回顾;回想;停止不前

  look black          怒视

  look down on          蔑视,看不起

  look for          寻找,寻求;指望

  look forward to          盼望,期待;预期

  look in          顺便看望,顺便访问

  look into          观察;调查;窥视

  look on          旁观;观看;面向

  look out          留神;朝外看;照料

  look over          从…上面看过去;检查

  look round          掉头看;观光;察看

  look through          (从头至尾)浏览;温习

  look to          照管;留心;指望

  look up to sb.          尊敬,敬仰

  look up          向上看;查出

  lose heart          灰心,泄气

  lose heart          丧失勇气(或信心)

  lose no time          立即

  lose one's breath          喘不过气来,呼吸困难

  lose one's hair          脱发;发脾气

  lose one's head          慌乱;被砍头

  lose one's heart to          心被…俘去,爱上

  lose one's nerves          变得慌张,不知所措

  lose one's temper          发怒,发脾气

  lose sight of          不再看见;忽略;忘记

  lose sight of          看不见

  lose track          失去联系

  lost one's balance          失去平衡;心慌意乱

  lots and lots          许许多多(的)

  lots of          大量,许多

  made up of          由…组成,由…构成

  major in          专攻,专修

  make a deal with          与…做买卖;和…妥协

  make a difference          有影响,有关系

  make a display of          把…炫耀一下

  make a face          (表示厌恶等)做鬼脸

  make a go of          使成功,相处得好

  make a mess of          把…弄糟

  make a note of          把…记下来

  make advances          取得进步;接近;预付

  make an appeal to sb          向某人提出呼吁;上诉

  make as if          假装;装作

  make away with          携…而逃;摧毁;浪费

  make away          (急忙)离去;逃走

  make beds          铺床叠被

  make believe          假装,装作

  make certain          (把…)弄确实,弄清楚

  make do with          凑合用,吃…来凑合

  make down          改小(衣服)

  make for          走向,向…前进;冲向

  make friends again          言归于好,重修旧好

  make friends with          与…交朋友

  make fun of          嘲笑;开…玩笑

  make fun of          取笑,嘲笑

  make hold to          冒昧地…擅自(做)…

  make light of          轻视,藐视

  make love to          向…表示爱情

  make mention of          提及

  make much of          重视;充分利用

  make no difficulties          不留难;表示无异议

  make no question of          对…不加怀疑;承认

  make off with          携…而逃

  make one's mark          使自己出名

  make one's own way          成功,发迹

  make one's way          前进,前往,行进

  make one's way          前进;成功,发迹

  make out a case          提出一个论点(理由)

  make out of          用…制造出;理解

  make out          开列;书写;辩认出

  make over          把(财产)转让;改造

  make peace with          (与…)讲和

  make progress with          在…方面取得进步

  make room for sb.          让出空地方给某人

  make sb. welcome          表示欢迎

  make sense          讲得通,言之有理

  make sure          查明,确信,开确实

  make terms          达成协议

  make the best of          充分利用(时间等)

  make the most of          充分利用;极为重视

  make up for          补偿,弥补

  make up one's mind          决定,下决心

  make up to          接近;巴结;向…求爱

  make up          拼凑;组成;补偿

  make use of          利用,使用

  make way          开路,让路

  make way          让路;开路;进展

  many a          许多的,一个又一个的

  mark down          记下;标低(商品)价目

  mark off          划分出

  mark out for          使…注定要

  mark out          划分出;规划

  mark time          原地踏步,停止不前

  mark up          把…标出

  marvel at          惊奇(异)

  may as well          还不如,不妨

  may as well          还是…的好

  may as well          最好,不妨

  mean business          是当真的

  measure up to          符合,达到,够得上

  measure up          合格,符合标准

  meet up with          偶尔碰见

  meet with          (偶尔)遇见;碰到

  mind you          听着,请注意

  mistake for          把…错认为

  mix up          混全,混淆;搞糊涂

  more often than not          时常,在更多情况下

  more or less          或多或少;左右

  more than ever          超出任何时候

  move about          走来走去,总是搬家

  move off          离去,走掉

  move on          继续前进

  much less          更不

  much more          更加,何况

  nail up          把…钉牢;把(门)钉死

  name after          用…的名字作名字

  near by          在附近

  near to          接(靠)近;几乎要

  needless to say          不用说

  neither...nor...          既不…也不…

  never for a moment          决不,从来没有

  never mind          不要紧,没关系

  next door          隔壁的;在隔壁

  night after night          一夜又一夜地

  night and day          日以继夜地

  no doubt          无疑地,必定;很可能

  no fewer than          不少于

  no later than          不迟于…

  no less than          和…一样,不少于…

  no longer['l08g2]不再,已不

  no matter          无论(…),不管(…)

  no more than          仅仅,只是

  no more...than...          不过;同…一样不

  no more          不再;不再存在;也不

  no other than          除…外没有;只有

  no sooner...than          一…就…

  no thanks to          并非由于

  No wonder...          难怪…,怪不得…

  none but          只有

  none other than          不是别人而正是

  none the less          (尽管…)仍然

  none the less          仍然,依然

  none too          一点也不

  not a little          许多,很

  not as...as...          不如…那样

  not at all          不点也不;别客气

  not at all          根本不;一点也不

  not but that          虽然

  not in the least          毫不

  not just...but          不仅…而且…

  not more than          至多;不比…更

  not much of a          不是一个好的

  not nearly          远非,相差很远

  not necessarily          未必,不一定

  not only...but          不但…而且

  not so much...as...          与其说是…不如说是…

  not think much of          对…估价不高

  not to mention          更不必说

  nothing but          只有;只不过

  now and then          时而,不时

  now that          既然,由于

  object to          反对;抗议,抱反感

  occur to          被想到

  of course[2v'k0:s]自然,当然,无疑

  of importance          重要,具有重要意义

  of itself          自行(到来)

  of late years          近年来

  of necessity          必然地,不可避免地

  of one's own          属于某人自己的

  of the moment          此刻,现在

  off and on          断断续续地,不时地

  off balance          不平稳的,摇摆的

  off duty          下班

  on a large scale          大规模地

  on a level with          和…同一水准

  on a small scale          小规模地

  on account of          因为,由于

  on an average          平均起来,一般说来

  on an even keel          平稳的(地),稳定的

  on balance          总的说来

  on behalf of          代表…,为了…

  on board          在船(车、飞机)上

  on business          因事,因公

  on condition that          如果…;在…条件下

  on credit          赊(购)

  on display          展出

  on duty          值班;上班

  on earth          在世界上;究竟,到底

  on end          连续地;竖着

  on file          存档

  on fire          起火;(喻)非常激动

  on foot          步行;在进行中

  on guard          站岗,值班

  on hand          现有;在手边;临近

  on no account          决不

  on occasion          间或,有时

  on one's guard          警惕,警戒;提防

  on one's honour          以名誉担保

  on one's own          独自地;主动地

  on principle          根据原则,按照原则

  on purpose          为了;故意地

  on relief          接受救济的

  on sale          上市的;减价;贱卖

  on schedule          按预定时间

  on schedule          按照预定时间,准时

  on second thoughts          经重新考虑后

  on the analogy of          根据…类推

  on the average          平均起来,一般说来

  on the basis of          在…的基础上

  on the contrary          正相反

  on the grounds of          以…为理由;根据

  on the lips of          在…中流传

  on the nail          立即;当场;在讨论中

  on the principle of          根据…的原则

  on the quiet          秘密地,私下地

  on the road          在旅途中

  on the run          跑着;奔走;奔波

  on the side          作为兼职;另外

  on the sly          偷偷地;秘密地

  on the spot          当场,立即;在现场

  on the stroke          准时地

  on the table          (摆)在桌面上,公开地

  on the turn          正在转变中

  on the whole          总的来说,大体上

  on time          按时,准时

  on top of          在…之上;除…之外

  on trust          不加深究地

  on view          展览着;上映中

  once for all          一劳永逸地

  once in a while          偶尔,间或

  once in a while          偶尔,有时

  once more          再一次,又一次

  once upon a time          (故事的开头)从前

  one after another          一个接一个地,依次地

  one another          互相地

  one day          (过去或将来的)某一天

  only that          要不是…

  only too          非常,实在

  open out          (打)开;开发;表明

  or else          否则,要不然

  or else          否则,要不然

  or rather          更精确地说,倒不如说

  or so          大约

  other from          不同于

  other than          不同于;除了

  out of breath          喘不过气来

  out of control          失去控制

  out of danger          脱离危险

  out of date          过时的,陈旧的

  out of debt          不欠债

  out of doors          在户外

  out of favour          失宠;不受欢迎

  out of focus          焦点没有对准;模糊

  out of order          不整齐;发生故障

  out of place          不相称;不合适

  out of practice          久不练习,荒疏

  out of proportion          不成比例;不相称

  out of question          毫无疑问

  out of sight          看不见,在视野之外

  out of step          和…步调不一致

  out of the question          不可能的;不必谈的

  out of touch          不联系,不接触

  out of work          失业;(机器)有毛病

  out of          在…外;离开…;缺乏

  over and above          在…之上;重于

  over and over          一再地,再三地

  over there          在那里(指较远处)

  owing to          由于,因为

  pass away          消失;去世;终止

  pass by          走过;(时间)逝去

  pass off          (感觉等)终止;中止

  pass on          把…传给别人;转入

  pass out          失去知觉;分发

  pass through          穿过;经历;遭受

  pass up          放过,放弃,拒绝

  past question          毫无疑问

  pat sb. on the back          对某人表示赞许

  pay attention to          注意;重视

  pay back          偿还(借款等);回报

  pay for          偿还;受到惩罚

  pay honour to          向…致敬

  pay off          还清(债款)

  pay out          付出(款项等)

  pay respect to          考虑,关心,重视

  pay up          全部付清(钱);付款

  per cent[p2'sent]百分之…

  persist in          坚持;固执

  pick off          摘下,摘掉

  pick out          选出,挑出

  pick up          拣起;(车等)中途搭人

  piece together          拼合,拼凑在一起

  piece up          修补

  pile up          堆积;积聚

  play a joke on sb.          开某人的玩笑

  play a part          扮演角色;参与…

  play out          使筋疲力尽;用完

  play the devil with          弄糟…;使失败

  play up to          支持;向…讨好,迎合

  play with          以…为消遣;玩弄

  point for point          确切地

  point out          指出,指明;解释

  point to          指向

  preserve from          保护,使…免遭

  press for          催逼;迫切要求

  prevail over          获胜,占优势

  prevent...from...          阻止,妨碍

  prior to          在前,居先,比…在先

  promise oneself          指望,指望获得

  protect...from          保护…不受…

  pull down          拆毁,拉倒;使降低

  pull in          (车)进站;(船)到岸

  pull into          进入;到达

  pull off          脱(帽等);努力实现

  pull on          穿上;继续拉(或划)

  pull out of the fire          使转败为胜

  pull out          拔出,抽出,挖出

  pull through          使渡过(危险等)

  pull to pieces          把…撕成碎片

  pull up          (使)停下;拔起(树等)

  put a check on          制止,禁止

  put across          解释清楚;做成(交易)

  put aside          储存,保留

  put away          把…收起;储存,积攒

  put down          记下;镇压;杀死

  put forward          提出(要求、事实等)

  put in          花费;正式提出

  put into practice          实行,实施

  put off          推迟,拖延;阻碍

  put on an act          装模作样

  put on          穿上;上演;教唆

  put out of action          使失去效用

  put out of sight          把…藏起来

  put out          熄灭;关(灯);出版

  put sb. on to          引某人对…注意起来

  put through          使穿过;使从事

  put to the test          使受试验,使受检验

  put to use          使用,利用

  put to          (船只顺避风等而)靠岸

  put up with          忍受,容忍(讨厌的人)

  put up          举起;安装;张贴

  put...in force          实施…;使…生效

  quarrel with          与…吵架

  queue up          排队等候

  quite a few          相当多,有相当数目

  quite other          完全不同的

  rain cats and dogs          下倾盆大雨

  rain out          因下雨阻碍

  rather than          宁愿…(而不)

  rather too          稍微…一点

  reach out          伸出手(或脚)

  react against          反抗;起反作用

  react on          对…有影响

  react to          对…起反应

  refer oneself to          依赖,求助于

  refer to sb. as          把…称作

  refrain from          忍住;抑制,制止

  regardless of          不顾,不惜,不注意

  rely on          依靠,依赖,依仗

  remark on          评论,谈论,议论

  reply for sb.          代表某人作答(或答辩)

  reply to sb.          回答某人

  report on          报告;汇报(某事)

  report oneself          去报到,到…去见某人

  rest on          依赖,依据;信赖

  result from          是(由)…造成的

  result in          引起,结果是;导致

  revolve around          旋转;绕转

  ride down          骑马赶上;践踏

  ride off          岔开去

  ride on          (让)…骑在上面;依靠

  ride over          骑马而来

  right away          立刻,马上

  ring off          挂断电话;停止讲话

  ring out          宣布离去

  ring up          打电话

  rise superior to          不受…的影响

  roll around          (时间)流逝

  roll back          使退却

  roll in          滚滚而来;蜂拥而来

  roll into          (使)滚进…

  roll out          辗平;铺开

  roll up          (烟雾)袅袅上升;卷起

  round and round          (围绕着…)不息地旋转

  round off          (园满)完成

  round up          收集,集合

  rub away          擦掉;磨去

  rub down          用力擦遍;按摩

  rub off          擦掉,磨去

  rub out          擦掉,拭去;(俚)杀死

  run away with          (感情等)战胜

  run down          跑下;撞倒;追捕到

  run for          竞选,追查,探究

  run into          跑进;偶然遇到;共计

  run off          (使)逃跑;复制

  run one's eyes over          扫视,浏览

  run out at          达到(某数字)

  run out from          从…延伸

  run out of          用完,耗尽

  run out          结束;变得缺乏

  run over with          充满;洋溢着

  run over          (跑)过去;溢出;浏览

  run short          快用完;将耗尽

  run through          跑着穿过;刺

  run up against          意外地碰到(困难等)

  run upon          撞击;触(礁)

  rush into          匆忙做某事

  rush out          突然出现

  rush through          匆忙做完,快速通过

  save for          留供…用

  save on          节省,节约

  save up          储蓄;贮存;节省

  say yes          同意,允诺

  scarcely...but          不…的…几乎没有

  scarcely...when          刚…就…

  scrape through          勉强通过

  search after          探索;寻找

  search out          寻找,找到

  see about          负责处理(某事);查看

  see after          照尖,照顾

  see eye to eye          看法完全一致

  see eye to eye          完全同意

  see for oneself          亲眼看,自己去看

  see sb. off          为某人送行

  see sb. through          关心…渡过难关

  see that          要注意使…;务必使…

  see through          干完,干到底

  see to          负责,注意,照料

  see with          同意

  seeing that          鉴于…,由于…的缘故

  seek after          寻找;探索;追求

  seek out          搜寻出

  seize hold of          抓住;占领

  sell off          廉价出清(存货)

  sell out          卖完;出售货物

  sell up          卖光

  send away for          函索

  send for          派人去请;召唤;索取

  send in          呈报;送…参加比赛

  send off          寄出;为…送行;解雇

  send out          发送;派遣;发出请柬

  send round          使传阅;发送;派遣

  send up          发出;射出;呈递

  serve as          充当;起作用

  serve one's turn          合用,管用

  serve right          活该;给应得的待遇

  set about          开始;散布(谣言等)

  set apart          使分离;使显得突出

  set aside          提出;把…置于一旁

  set aside          挑出;不顾;取消

  set back          (把钟等)往回拨;推迟

  set down          记下;登记;放下

  set fire to          使燃烧,点燃

  set forth          动身起程

  set free          释放,使获得自由

  set light by          轻视

  set off          动身,出发;使爆炸

  set oneself against          坚决反对

  set oneself up as          以…自居

  set out          动身;开始;装饰

  set out          制定,打算

  set up          开办;建立;设立

  settle down          定居;安下心来

  settle for          对…感到满足,满足于

  settle one's account          结算;付讫

  shake hands with          与…握手

  shake off          撵走,摆脱;抖落

  shake up          摇匀;激励,使振作

  share in          分享,分担

  shoot at          向…射击;力争

  shoot away          不停地射击

  shoot out          抛出;射出

  shoot up          射出;喷出

  show in          领入,领进来

  show off          炫耀,卖弄

  show up          使显现;揭露;拆穿

  shrug off          耸肩表示对…不屑理睬

  shut out          排除(可能性等)

  side by side          肩并肩地;同时地

  side walk          人行道

  sign in          签到;签收

  sign on          签约受雇用

  single out          挑选出,选拔,找出

  sit for          参加

  sit in          列席,旁听;不干预

  sit on          为…的成员;压制

  sit up          迟睡,熬夜;坐正

  size up          打量;估计(情况)

  sketch out          草拟;概略地叙述

  skim over          掠过,擦过;浏览

  slide into          不知不觉地沾染上…

  slide over          略过;回避

  slow down          放慢速度;减退

  slow up          变得不那么忙,慢下来

  smell about          到处嗅寻;到处找

  smell of          有…的气味

  smell out          嗅出,凭嗅觉发现…

  smile on          对…赞许

  smile on          对…赞许

  smooth out          把…开平;消除;解决

  smooth over          掩饰;调停,平息

  snap at          厉声说;急促地说

  so far          迄今为止

  so far          迄今为止;到这种程度

  so long as          只要,如果;既然

  so much as that          到这样程度以致…

  so that          结果是,以致

  so that          以便;结果是;以致

  so to speak          可以说是;打个譬喻说

  so...as to          如此…以至于

  so...that          如此…以致于

  something else          另外的一些东西

  something like          几分象;大约

  something of          在某种意义(或程度)上

  sooner or later          迟早,早晚,或迟或早

  speak for          代表…讲话;要求得到

  speak up          大声说

  speak volume for          充分说明

  speak well for          证明…很好

  speed up          使加速,增加速度

  spread out          伸开,展开;传播

  spring up          涌现;发生;迅速长出

  stand a chance          很可能,有希望

  stand a good chance          很有可能,大有希望

  stand by          站在旁边;袖手旁观

  stand for          代替;代表;意味着

  stand in one's way          阻碍,妨碍

  stand out          引人注目;杰出,出色

  stand the test          经受住考验

  stand up for          为…辩护;维护;坚持

  stand up to          经得起(磨难等)

  stand up to          勇敢地面对;坚决抵抗

  stand up          立起;(论点)站得住脚

  start from scratch          从头做起,从零开始

  start off          出发,动身;开始

  start up          突然站起,惊起

  stay up          不睡觉,熬夜

  step by step          逐步地,一步步地

  step in          介入;干预;参加

  step up          走近来;登上去

  stick out for          坚持索取

  stick out          伸出;坚持到底;显眼

  stick to          坚持;忠于;信守

  stop by          (顺便)访问

  stop off          中途停留;中途下车

  store up          贮藏,储备

  strain every nerve          竭尽全力

  stray away from          走离;走失;漫游

  stretch out          伸展;伸手拿…

  string up          吊死某人;把…挂起来

  struggle against          与…作斗争,和…斗争

  struggle for          为…而斗争

  stuff up          堵(塞)住,填满

  stuff with          用…把…堵住

  subject to          使受到,使遭遇

  succeed in          在…成功

  such as          象…那样的,诸如

  such being the case          事实既然如此

  such...that...          那样的…以致

  sum up          总结,概括

  sweep clean          扫,清洁

  sweep off          拂去;大量清除

  switch off          (用开关)关掉

  switch on          (用开关)开启

  take a chance          冒险,投机

  take a dislike to          讨厌

  take a hand in          参加;帮助

  take aback          使吃惊,使吓一跳

  take action          采取行动;提出诉讼

  take advantage of          趁…之机,利用

  take after          与…相象

  take apart          拆开(机器等)

  take away          拿走,夺去,使离去

  take care of          爱护,照顾,照料

  take care          当心,注意

  take charge          掌管,负责,看管

  take cover          隐蔽

  take delight in          以…为乐

  take down          取下;记下;拆卸

  take effect          (药等)见效

  take for          认为,以为;误认为

  take heart of grace          鼓起勇气,打起精神

  take interest in          对…感(产生)兴趣

  take into account          把…考虑进去

  take into account          考虑;重视

  take issue with sb.          与某人争论

  take issue with          与…争论

  take it easy          不紧张;放松;松懈

  take leave of          向…告别

  take note of          注意(到)

  take notes          记笔记

  take notice of          注意,留心

  take off          拿走;脱下(衣帽等)

  take on          呈现(面貌);装出

  take on          接受;包含;领会

  take one's chance          碰运气,听任命运

  take one's measure          量尺寸;打量,估计

  take oneself off          走开,离去

  take order to do          采取适当办法去做…

  take order to do          采取适当手段去做…

  take order with          安排,处理

  take out loans          借贷

  take out          拿出;去掉;扣除

  take over          占据;接任(职位)

  take pains          尽力,努力,下苦功

  take part in          参加…,参与…

  take part with          与…站在一边,袒护

  take place          发生;进行;举行

  take pride in          以…自豪

  take sb. to task          责备某人,申斥某人

  take steps          采取步骤;采取措施

  take the lead          为首,领先

  take the place of          代替

  take the road of          占先,居…之上

  take the road          出动,动身;走…道路

  take thought for          对…担心;对…挂念

  take time          不急不忙,从容进行

  take to one's heels          逃走,逃之夭夭

  take to          开始;对…产生好感

  take turns          依次,轮流

  take up          接纳,吸收

  take up          拿起;着手处理;占去

  take up          占去,占据;开始从事

  take...as          把…理解为

  talk back          回嘴,顶嘴

  talk into          说服;劝说某人做某事

  talk out          把…说透

  talk out          坦率地谈

  talk over          商量,(充分)讨论

  talk over          说得同意自己

  talk to          责备

  talk up          大声地讲;大胆地讲

  talk with          与…交谈,试图说服

  taste of          有…味道(或气息)

  teach a lesson          给…一个教训

  teach school          教书,当教师

  tear down          扯下;拆毁;诋毁

  tear off          急速脱掉

  tear up          创;挖;掘;拉掉

  telephone to sb.          打电话给某人

  tell about          讲述

  tell on          告发;产生效果

  tell...apart          把…区分开

  tell...from          辨别,分辨;认出

  thanks to          由于

  thanks to          由于,多亏,幸亏

  that is to say          那就是说,换句话说

  that is          就是说;即(略为i.e)

  the mass of          大多数,大部分

  the moment that          一…就…

  the other day          在不久前某天

  the rank and file          普通士兵们,老百姓们

  the roll call          点名

  the same as          与…一致,与…相同的

  there and then          当时当地

  think better of          对…有更高的评价

  think nothing of          把…看成平常

  think of...as          把…看作是,以为…是

  think of          考虑;记得;认为

  think out          彻底地想一想

  think over          仔细考虑

  think through          思考…直到得出结论

  think twice          重新考虑

  think up          发明;设计出

  throw about          到处扔;转向航行

  throw away          扔掉,抛弃

  throw doubt upon          使人对…产生怀疑

  throw light on sth.          解释,阐明

  throw off          扔开;匆匆脱掉(衣服)

  throw over          抛弃(计划等)

  throw up          抛起;呕出(食物)

  tick off          列出;用记号勾出

  tie up          束紧,缚牢;包扎

  to a day          一天也不差

  to a turn          正好,恰好

  to begin with          首先,第一

  to date          到此为止

  to say nothing of          更不必说

  to some extent          在某种程度上

  to speak of          值得一提的

  to the contrary          意思相反的(地)

  to the effect that          大意是说

  to the end of time          永远

  to the full          完全地;彻底地

  to the life          逼真地,维妙维肖

  to the limit          到顶点,到最大限度

  to the number of          合计数为…

  to the point          中肯;扼要

  to the question          针对所讨论的问题

  together with          和;加之;连同

  too...to...          太…以致不能…

  touch off          开(炮等);触发

  touch on          关系到,涉及到

  touch up          润色(图画、文章等)

  touch up          修改,改进

  track down          找到,发现;查出

  track out          根据(遗迹等)探索出

  trail off          (声音等)逐渐变弱

  treat sb. as          把…待如;把…看作

  treat sb. for          给某人医治…

  try for          谋求,争取

  try on          试穿;试用;试验

  try out          (彻底)试验

  tune in          收听;调谐

  tune out          关掉(收音机等)

  tune up          (尤指乐队)调弦;调音

  turn a blind eye to          对…装作不见

  turn against          对…采取敌对态度

  turn away          走开;把脸转过去

  turn down          关小,调低;拒绝

  turn in          转身进入;拐入;交出

  turn into          进入;使变成,使成为

  turn off          关(水源等);拐弯

  turn on[t2:n 0n]开,旋开(电灯等)

  turn one's back on          不理睬

  turn out          生产;驱逐;翻转

  turn over          (机器等)运转;翻过来

  turn sb's blood cold          使毛骨悚然

  turn to          变成;求助于;着手

  turn up          出现;找到;证明是

  under arms          在备战状态中

  under control          处于控制之下

  under the charge of          在…掌管(或看管)之下

  under the heel of          在…统治下,被…践踏

  under the order of          受…指挥

  under way          在进行中,前进着

  up and doing          活泼,敏捷;忙碌

  up and down          上上下下;前前后后

  up in arms          起来进行武装斗争

  up to date          现代的;直到最近的

  up to time          准时

  up to          直到;从事于;轮到

  upwards of          …以上;多于…

  use up          用完,耗尽;花完

  used to[ju:st t2u](过去)经常

  value oneself on          自夸

  vote down          否决

  vote in          选出,选举

  vote through          表决通过;投票同意

  wait at table          伺候进餐

  wait for[weit]等候,等待

  wait on          服侍(某人)

  wait up for          为…而等候着睡不着

  wake up to          认识到…的重要性

  wake up          醒,唤醒;醒来

  walk off          (突然)离开;带走

  walk out          走出;把(某人)带出

  wander about          漫游;闲逛

  warm up          变温暖;变热

  wash up          洗餐具;洗手洗脸

  watch out for          密切注意;戒备,提防

  wear off          逐渐消失;磨掉;耗损

  wear out          穿破,用坏;耗尽

  weed out          清除,除去

  weep away          在哭泣中度过

  weep for          为…而哭泣

  weep out          边哭边说出

  welcome to          欢迎到…

  well up in          精通,熟悉,长于

  What about...?          (对于)…怎么样?

  What if...?          倘使…将会怎么?

  what is more          而且;更重要的是

  when it comes to          一谈到;就…而论

  whether...or          是…还是…

  while away          消磨(时间)

  wind up          结束,停止;卷紧

  wipe out          把…的里面擦洗干净

  wish for          盼望,希望,想要

  with might and main          使劲地,全力地

  with one voice          一致地;异口同声地

  with regard to          关于,至于

  with respect to          关于,至于

  with system          有秩序地,有规则地

  with the help of          在…的帮助下

  with the view of          以…为目的

  with young          怀胎

  within limits          在一定范围之内

  within the bounds of          在…范围内

  within touch of          在…能到达的地方

  without day          不定期;无限制(休会)

  without doubt          无疑地,很可能

  without fail          必定,务必

  without limits          无限(制)地

  without number          多得数不清的

  without question          毫无疑问

  without regard to          不考虑,不顾到

  without so much as          甚至于不…

  word for word          逐字地;一字不变地

  work at          从事于,致力于

  work off          排除;清理;卖掉

  work out          算出;设计出;制定出

  work up          逐步引起;激起;整理

  world without end          永远,永久地

  would rather do          宁愿,宁可

  would rather...than          宁愿…而不愿…

  wrap up          穿厚;裹紧;包好

  write down          写下;把…描写成

  write off          注销;勾销;写信寄出

  write out          写出,全部写出

  write up          把…写成文;详细描写

  year after year          年年,每年

  year in year out          年复一年地,不断地

  young and old          老老少少,不分老幼



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