

  大数据(Big Data)又称为巨量资料,指需要新处理模式才能具有更强的决策力、洞察力和流程优化能力的海量、高增长率和多样化的信息资产。以下是百分网小编分享给大家的“大数据”用英文怎么说,欢迎阅读!

  Zhang Feng, chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that China will establish a national big data center to promote the trans-departmental, trans-regional sharing of basic data, in order to improve the practical value of data and its efficient use.


  大数据(big data)指规模巨大且复杂,用现有的数据处理工具(on-hand database management tools)难以获取(capture)、整理( curate)、管理( manage)以及处理(process)的数据信息统称。大数据的特点可以总结为4V:volume(大量)、velocity(高速)、variety(多变)、veracity(准确)。

  大数据是网络信息技术与经济社会各领域深度融合的产物,对于未来的互联网生态(internet ecosystem)、创新体系(innovation system)、产业形态(industrial forms)乃至社会治理结构(social governance structure)等都将产生革命性的影响。

  工信部将推进公共数据开放和基础数据资源跨部门、跨区域共享(trans-departmental, trans-regional sharing of basic data),优先推动信用、交通、医疗、卫生、就业等领域的数据向社会开放(promote the openness and sharing of data in sectors such as credit, transportation, health and employment)。研究制定工业大数据发展路线图,推动大数据和制造业融合发展。同时加强安全监管,严厉打击非法泄露和出卖个人数据行为,维护网络数据安全(enhance supervision and surveillance of data, and strictly crack down on illegal practices such as data leaks and the selling of personal information)。


  Narrow Band Internet of Things 窄带互联网

  sharing economy 分享经济

  national big data strategy 国家大数据战略

  crowd innovation, crowdsourcing, crowd support, and crowdfunding众创、众包、众扶、众筹

  大数据———big data


  Where there isbig data, there are opportunities for pattern analysis, rational decisions and recommendations based on that data.

  When they hear the termbig data, most people immediately think of large data sets; when data volumes get into the multi-terabyte and multi-petabyte range, they require different treatment.

  This Big Data era got rolling way back in the dot-com days.

  HPCC Systems is an open source high performance computing cluster platform used to solve customers' Big Data problems.

  Library hasbig datainformation and handwork handling has low efficiency.

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