take短句,take日记 简单的造句?

take短句,take日记 简单的造句?

take短句,take日记 简单的造句?

1、You must collect the mail in person and take along some form of identification你必须携带本人身份证明亲自来取邮件。

2、You will be able to take ten dozen bottles free of duty through customs.你可以携带120瓶免税通过海关。

3、Each passenger can take up to twenty kilograms of luggage.旅客每人可携带行李二十公斤。

Can you take me to the station?


The flowers I planted haven't taken.


The box office take of this movie is higher than expected.


Can I please take this apple?


Which newspaper do you take?


Take whatever action is needed.


1、Can you take shorthand?

2、You take risk unconsciously.

3、If not, take a supplement.

4、Don't take her for granted.

5、I take the time derivative.

6、Take up cognitive leisure activities. Learn a language, take up an instrument, take a class or work crosswords or puzzles.

7、The dye doesn't take in cold water.

8、Will you take measures to reinforce them?

9、Please take time to consider the problem.

10、Sometimes hospitals take advantage of their ignorance.

11、Some things take a while to percolate.

12、I fully agree to the arrangement and take delight in it [take it with delight].

13、If you can't take a sabbatical, at least take your vacation!

14、So obviously we take outthe animal foods, we also take out the cholesterol.

15、Infomercials are designed to take advantage of this brain quirk.

16、In such situations you often take the role of peacemaker.

17、You take food from one dish on the table.

18、It would be perverse to take a different view.

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